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Crazy to work - oldmt

Posted: Oct 24, 2014


I just started a new job this past week. I have been on the auctual job site for 2 days. The rest of the week, I was in orientation and completing new hire paperwork. I was wondering if anyone else had problems transitioning after being home for so long? Let me give you a little background information.

I was hired in with the understanding I would learn my job which consists of calling insurance companies for verification purposes. Also, it was explained during the interview that I would "fill in" and learn other jobs when the need came up. The problem is I feel overwhelmed already. I haven't been able to learn my job because I'm sort of thrown into the mix of learning my job, my coworkers job, and my supervisors job. I was told today that I would fill in and take over as supervisor in meetings and do her job when she was out. I never signed up for supervisor. My boss also said she didn't want supervisor, but her boss put it on her. What? Pretty much it was pushed on her and she had the option to leave or stay. 

During the interview, I understood that I would be asked to fill in here and there. That part, didn't bother me. What does upset me is how fast I am expected to pick up on 3 jobs. Also, I find my supervisor is rude and unprofessional. She jokes around and even puts up the bad finger at coworkers as if its all funny. I don't feel like I can go to her and explain things because she doesn't take anything serious. She curses and stated she likes office gossip. She talks bad about the patients and fellow coworkers. I don't feel like I can go to her boss because she is buddies with him. Management is unprofessional, rude, and I'm expected to hit the ground running right away. My workplace is out of order as no one seems to be able to find anything. Papers are laying everywhere and the office is dirty. I don't think anyone cleans or organizes anything. I look around and feel out of place because people are unprofessional. I was told by the person training me that I would never get a raise and to forget about asking. She suggested I go someone else after getting experience. It seemed as if she wanted me to quit or hinting around about what I got paid compared to what she was making after 25 years of working there. I didn't state my wages, but I can assure you its not worth it. Also, she made it clear that the supervisor makes less than me and I wouldn't be paid any more no matter how much I did or what jobs I accepted. 

I came home and cried yesterday because of a comment that was made. In just chatting my coworker she asked about how many kids I had. I said 3 and stated their ages; 23, 17, and 8. After doing the math she asked," How old are you." I stated my age. She said, "Oh my, you were so young. You were a promiscuous girl weren't you! You must have a lot of support to keep your baby at a young age like that. I was terribly offended because who wouldn't be? I know that I set the tone for how people treat me. Also, I feel like I must be rude, mean, or almost defensive to work there. I have already learned not to talk about my personal life. I can't see myself getting along with my coworker as she is pushy. 

I don't feel like it will work out for me. I haven't worked in a while and need a job. I'm not sure how to approach this situation or if I will even go back on Monday. 

Has anyone else had a crazy experience like this or am I just needing to toughen up to work there until something else comes along? 

Her comment was rude and offensive - anon

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It sounds like that's her personality and her humor. My stepson is dating someone like that and none of us can stand her "jokes." It doesn't sound like this company is the place for you. I can't imagine it will get better. You can choose to ignore it, but I don't think that's you, or get used to it, which doesn't sound like you either. I'm afraid you'd start dreading going into work because these personalities are so opposite from yours. I would rather quit then be unhappy and stressed out in that environment.

job - me

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You say you need a job. As unpleasant as this one sounds, it IS a job. No clue how long it took to land this one, also no clue how long it would take to land the next one if you quit. Here's another option. Considering the condition of the office & attitudes of everyone you work with, they're in serious need of overhaul... want THAT job?? If you're an organized person, perhaps you can turn things around & organize them. If they want you to step in and be "everyone", then perhaps you can fix what's obviously wrong with the place. YOU turn it into a job you want by doing it your way. Once you get paperwork put where it belongs so that everyone can get what they need when they need it, maybe things will start working out better. Folks that can't do their jobs can get real frustrated real quick. If they also feel powerless to do anything about it, it's a recipe for disaster in an office. They need fixing... you up for it? Leave the personal stuff at home since they clearly can't handle it. If nothing else, look for another job while you fix this office. If you find another job you like better, at the very least you'll leave this one in better condition than when you started. That could get you a good reference in the future. Just a thought.

I understand where you are coming from, but I think the last thing she needs to be - doing is trying to go into a new job and

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where she is not officially the boss and try to "fix" things. Her coworkers may not take too well to that and it can cause even more problems for her on the job.

I remember once I was accused of trying to change things on the job (it wasn't intentional, I made a suggestion based on something related to my own personal job) it was a huge mess and the supervisor called me into the office about it and asked me if I was trying to change the process? I had no clue what she was talking about and was floored that something so small could be blown out of proportion like that. Long story short, that was the last of my suggestions. And that was only a suggestion, can you imagine what it would be like if she actually tried to "fix" things? You may be right, but it doesn't sound like she's working with a very mature group of people and the condition of the office reflects the nature of the people so it's likely they don't have that type of work ethic and the last thing she wants to do is ruffle any feathers.

office - me

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I can understand that. It could go either way. They could be offended by her efforts or they could decide that whatever she might do that benefits THEM is a good thing for everyone. Something caused the office to be dysfunctional. If it's as simple as being disorganized, then somebody fixing that could be appreciated by the people who are currently so rude. If she needs the job bad enough to have to stay there, then I think she needs to come up with a way to help somehow & not end up joining the club & becoming part of the problem. That would be a miserable life. I hope it works out for her, whatever she decides.

I agree... - with hanging in there...

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If you just up and quit you won't qualify for UE and your self-esteem will take a nose dive!

My feeling is if the job calls for crazy, bring on the crazy and double down on it. Dig in and bite back if necessary, of course always be professional. Show em an old gal can come out swinging. You have nothing to lose anyway (except UE and a paycheck) if you feel you would just quit without notice.

Good luck and get back to us in a couple weeks when you've knocked some sense in those unruly young'uns and cleaned up that ____ hole. :)

Im in the process of leaving a job similar to that - see msg

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Next Friday is my last day. It's a clinic setting and the people act a lot like what you describe, I dont do MT work there, it's mainly direct patient care (medical assistant, but not certified) and ironically insurance stuff like you. Anyway, they are extremely negative, nit-picky troublemakers.

It's so bad, it drove me back to transcription after having been gone from MT for 2 years; I started with another MTSO this week. I will be going back to school soon though and have a part-time IC job on the side to help supplement. I was just so desperate to leave that place and the quickest job I could find was with an MTSO. So I can certainly relate to what you're going through.

It got the point where I had knots in my stomach going into work and spent my weekend dreading Monday mornings because I knew I had to go back. Not sure what to tell you; I held out as long as I could (2 yrs) and finally decided it wasn't worth it. I'm no where near as stressed out knowing that after next week I never have to go back again.

One thing about working from home, at least you dont have to deal with the people face to face and with MT jobs there is very little interaction due to the nature of the work so that coupled with working from home makes things a lot easier.

But as I said, I will be going back to school soon so don't know what the future holds. All I know right now is that I'm feeling 100% better.

Is it possible for you to transfer after you've been there for a certain period of time? Maybe that's something to consider? I'm not recommending you come back to MT; I did it out of desperation though strangely, I feel a huge sense of relief so it'll have to work for now. Good luck to you.

Is this a doctor's office? Reason I ask is SM - acuteMLS

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it sounds awfully like a medium sized doctor's office and if this is the way you are introduced to your job, I'd say cut your losses now (unless you absolutely have to have this paycheck) and find something else. Or stay and find something, then leave this one without notice.

I agree with hanging in there, too. - Use it to your advantage.

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You know, you were very lucky to get this job. You have been unemployed for ages. Now, you have discovered that the job isn't perfect and the people there aren't perfect, and you might have to do more work than the one thing you "signed up for," and you are freaking out to the point of quitting?

If that is not correct, please explain, because that is what it sounds like. It sounds like the workplace version of the princess and the pea.

Working in MT does not give anyone a lot of opportunity to develop skill in dealing with people and workplaces. Perhaps my take on this can help you use this situation to your advantage.

Everyone feels overwhelmed on the job at first. Recognize that and move on.

Your job is not just insurance verification, it is filling in for the rest of your team, too. No one expects you to learn it all in two days, but they don't have a year for you to learn it, either.

You are not asked to BE the supervisor. Not all of your supervisor's duties are supervisory in nature. When she runs a meetings and does most of her daily work, she isn't supervising. You are being asked to handle some of those nonsupervisory duties.

They selected you because they thought you would be able to handle it. Frankly, you should be thrilled beyond belief about this. Instead of just having a bottom-rung job calling insurance, part of your job is being acting whatever-she-is in her absence and performing other duties like running meetings. That is hugely important because you can use that to get your next ( better) job.

In fact, it puts you in position for HER job should she leave. YOU are thus in a better job than your coworkers. Hmm. Now can you see why they act toward you as they do? They have been there longer, but they are not being given higher level responsibilities. OF COURSE they don't like you. OF COURSE they are going to suggest you quit. OF COURSE they are going to make obnoxious comments about your life.

There are rocks under most workplace mattresses, not just peas.

You are not responsible for others' behavior or for the condition of the office in general. You are responsible for YOU. Clean up your own area, do your job, learn as much as you can, and you will be able to get a better job soon enough. Yes, you should be looking now.

I want to address the comment that you feel you can't get along with your coworker because she is pushy. She is not causing the problem ... you are. You have a responsibility to get along with others on the job. You have to be able to work productively with others. No matter what.

Who would not have been offended by the "promiscuous" comment? I wouldn't. It is just someone with poor judgement being inappropriate. Laugh it off. Tell her you are sure you caught it from a toilet seat. She won't do it again.

People cannot "offend" you unless you allow yourself to feel offended. They cannot MAKE you feel something.

You should not be talking about your personal life at work, anyway. Do not have the expectation that you should have meaningful relationships there. It is work, so be business-like but pleasant. Keep the chitchat out of it.

Crazy to work - Me

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I think a month would be reasonable to know if you like or not. If it is so upsetting that you can't take it, then I would go now. Some jobs just are not do-able and something else will always show up. Good Luck in your decision, I think you will do the right thing for yourself!!!

Thoughts - On site worker

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2 days is really not long enough to be making judgment calls such as the ones you are making, I would suggest giving it more time. Not knowing your opportunities for getting a raise was maybe something that should have been asked during the interview. My take on the bad behavior is that they feel threatened by having a newcomer in their midst and are trying to drive you out, it happens more than you know. If you want to stay, you are going to have to prove yourself. In regard to personal questions in regard to how old you were when you had your children, etc., just because someone asks you something it does not mean you have to answer. Politely change the subject or turn it back on them. If the workplace is messy or out of order, it may mean that they are so busy that no one has had time to clean. I have a coworker with an extremely messy desk but she knows where everything is and seems to be productive in her job, you may just need to overlook some of the stuff that is bugging you if you want to stay. As far as being asked to take on more than you expected, it happens. My manager is a delegator so I get extra projects thrown my way all the time, I never expected that either, she expects all of us to be problem solvers. There are people in my office who are not my cup of tea either, but there are plenty of other people who are, just seek out someone else to socialize with. My suggestion would be to go back and give it some time. Not showing up for work is a black mark against you. What you describe really is not all that crazy. If you need the job badly enough, you will learn to cope or move on to something else. Every office plays politics, so don't expect to find anything perfect out there.

Work - oldmt

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This job is working in a mental health hospital for children. It is very hard to be professional when everyone around you isn't. I literally sat in her office for 8 hours and she never showed me once how to do anything. I told her I feel bad for just sitting around and asked what could I do. She said be glad you are getting paid to do nothing. She said I don't train people well. How can I fill in as supervisor with no training? She said Monday I would do nothing too and that the real training would start when my coworker returned on Tue. I made the comment that I feel so bad for the children and the cases I heard. I just wanted to hug them. I was told, don't because they have head lice. I'm not sure I can be "immune" to the stories and make it just another day in the office. I may not be working directly with the children, but I do have to go out on the floor for charts and let me tell you it's heartbreaking. I come home and hug my kids tighter. I thought insurance verification was my job and know I'm thrown into meetings with caseworkers, social workers, parents, and a little bit of everything as supervisor. I'm not sure this job will be the fit for me, but I can look elsewhere in the meantime. Thanks for the insight.

Thanks for the explanation - On site worker

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You will need to decide if it is worth staying and consider how badly you need the job, remembering that it is not always possible to immediately move into something else. I don't know your coworkers, but their sense of humor may be off the wall and harsh because of the environment where they are placed, pediatric mental health must be depressing, I'm a bit surprised you didn't consider that going in. Good luck, but unless you work at home, be prepared to deal with difficult coworkers or difficult situations because they are everywhere.

I think you should stay - GodsKid

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just a few more days at least. You, yourself, stated that the person who will be training you has not been there. You stated she comes back Tuesday. Maybe after she gets back and you start your actual training, you might decide it isn't as hard or chaotic as you think now. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.

My reaction is different than others - I would not stay

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My reaction is that there are so many unpleasant things and alarm signals about that job, I would leave ASAP. I know there are a lot of work places like that, but I would not want to be part of it. I do not think I would get to like a job that I dread from day one.

When you need the job, you need to - just deal with it.

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People have to work and few jobs are perfect. AFAIAC, it is irresponsible to advise the OP to quit. She has been out of work and needs the job.

Jobs are NOT easy to get. Contrary to what someone else said, another job will NOT "come along." It will be even harder to get another if she quits this one after a week. How will she explain why she did that? "The office was messy, people were mean to me, I didn't get a raise the first day, and they exected me to do too much." Really?

Someone needs to offer transitioning MTs a class in basic job skills. The OP would also benefit from finding a mentor who could help her learn appropriate expectations and how to deal with this.

Crazy - Grandy

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The reality is, these people are unprofessional in the extreme, and you are probably not going to be able to change anything. Since you need the job, keep it, deal with it, while you are looking for something more suitable.

NowYouKnowWhy - ThereWasAnOpeningInTheFirstPlace

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I've seen jobs like that advertised at various institutions since the collapse of our economy. They have you doing everyone's job. Even if you could hit the ground running and were a great multi-tasker, it probably would not be good enough for those people and they would find fault. They obviously have issues up the ying yang and have no clue about what "professional" means.

Original poster - oldmt

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Would you go to the human resources department and ask to be transferred? The policy states 6 months of employment before you are allowed to transfer.

I don't want to come off as I can't get along with coworkers. I just don't see it working out for me in this environment.

Would you report that my supervisor doesn't want to be supervisor? Would you report the flipping off coworkers? Would you report that I have been told not to expect her to train me even though I am expected to do her job? What kind of supervisor says she enjoys gossip? Does that mean drama and gossip is encouraged?

I don't feel comfortable going to her for anything because I won't be taken seriously. I hate to get her in trouble, but don't want to just up and quit since I do need a job. I'm not sure what I should do. I do think this is the extreme as I have never had to deal with this unprofessional behavior before.

Answers - On site worker

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First, there are laws in place protecting workers from harassment. I can't ever imagine a manager flipping anyone off and expecting to keep her job, it's up to you if you want to report that. Many HR departments handle grievances confidentially. They may all be testing you to find your breaking point, it doesn't sound like it took very long. Be sure you are not reading too much into their remarks - I really didn't find the comment in regard to the children all that inappropriate, so maybe you are just being overly sensitive. Have you thought about telling them that their behavior is offensive and inappropriate for an office? You have a stake in this too and a choice to make in regard to how you handle it. It is never 100% the other person's fault. Maybe you could work with a counselor on some coping skills. As far as the training, it happens. I've had jobs where they did indeed expect me to hit the ground running. One way for you to handle that would be to just start anywhere and ask questions as you go. Don't sit around and wait to be shown. Don't give up on your supervisor just yet, I would suggest trying to talk to her and expressing your concerns. If you want out, you can probably tough it out for six months and request a transfer. You can stay there and look for another job, it will probably take that long anyway. I've been in a lot of difficult situations in the workplace and definitely felt like quitting, sometimes due to management having what I thought were unrealistic expectations. For me, things, generally had a way of smoothing out on their own without doing anything, or the problem people moved on. Don't be surprised if you have problems with interpersonal relationships at your next job, it goes with the territory. Don't expect people to change, but you can change how you choose to deal with it.

Advice - sm

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Grandy and On Site gave you excellent advice.

Your statement that you "just don't see it working out" is the crux of the matter. You are in a new job and seem overwhelmed by it, so you are trying to find excuses for having to quit. You are, literally, looking for reasons to blame them for the discomfort you feel facing a job that you do not know how to do.

You don't want to seem as if you can't get along with coworkers? It doesn't "seem" that way; it IS that way. You have been there 2 days and are already freaking out over things you probably misinterpreted and/or which are none of your business.

Each time you post, you go one step further in twisting things around in blaming someone else.

You are the one creating the drama, not them.

You are the one focusing on gossip, not them.

They may have their faults -- everyone does -- but you appear to be hypersensitive, suspicious, and lacking interpersonal skills.

The things you are thinking of doing are actually obnoxious. You worked with your supervisor 2 days and you already want to report her for things others said. Frankly, doing that would be dishonest and trouble-making. That is exactly how HR will see it, too.

If you need this job, you need to turn your thinking around. You were hired to do a job. The patients there need care and your job enables that care to happen. You need to recognize that and do your job.

Your job does not involve examining others' motives, passing judgement on cleanliness and disarray, listening to gossip about your supervisor, and freaking out over thoughtless comments.

I've been thinking about this - this weekend

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I hope you said something along the lines of, "Excuse me? Did you just call me promiscuous?" and then told that person to please move along because you had work to do. However, I've been thinking about it and I'm wondering if the dim bulb actually meant "precocious."

What she meant - oldmt

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She really did say promiscuous meaning: characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis. Sorry, I know you understand the meaning. I just added that to be more clear. I was in complete shock that a person would say such mean things. I responded by saying well...yes, I was young. It makes you grow up fast and that was the end of it. She is the only coworker I have training me and pretty much my only coworker beside a few others to work with. I became defensive and don't think I will casually chat with anyone about my personal life at all. Any more comments won't be caught off guard and I will respond back in the manner that was dished out to me.

Tit for tat? - sm

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Responding in the manner "dished out" to you is inappropriate. Engage in tit for tat and you will find yourself seeing HR to be fired.

Your coworker might not know what it means. Many people in those jobs are not the brightest on the block. They are not as good with the nuances of language as MTs are.

Your coworker might be trying to bait you into quitting. Several of her comments point to that.

Or, she might be trying to bait you into blowing up in a retaliatory fit, which will get you fired.

She, herself, might be on the verge of being fired. Inappropriate behavior is rarely a one-time thing.

You might have done something to make her dislike YOU. She might be offended by something YOU said or did. She might be nuts.

In any event, the responsibility for civility is on you. You are responsible for your own feelings. You choose to be offended and you choose not to be offended. No one else can make you feel that way.

Tit for tat sinks to the other employee's level. It engages the other in a fight. That is never appropriate.

When others say things you think are rude or which constitute gossip, you would do well to choose to ignore them.

Oh come on, get off this lady's back. Now all of a sudden, you are - looking for reasons to attack her?? sm
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Your post seem to be coming off as somewhat accusatory toward the OP with sly put-downs.
Meant to say your "posts" cuz your'e obviously the same person. - nm
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What? - sm
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What sly put-downs??

It is fairly generic advice on how to keep from being fired. It is in many employers' "rules of conduct."
I completely agree - st
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I couldn't agree more with you. No matter what the work conditions you have the choice to work there under those conditions, quit, or work there and begin to make changes so you are more comfortable with your environment. Engaging a fellow employee (who has much more seniority than you) in a battle of insults will only make you more angry and possibly get you fired, and even if you aren't fired it will defintely make you less liked by everyone in the office.

I say stick it out, give them the benefit of the doubt (everyone has a bad week now and then), and then decide if YOU want to work there. If you do decide to move on, I would definitely let management know the reasons why, but don't do so in an emotional manner. State the facts and only the facts.

We all have the choice in how we are treated. You can accept being treated this way, you can join in and make things worse, you can ignore it (which is what all parents say to our kids when they're being bullied, so let's take our own advice here), or you can decide to walk away.

Welcome to working in an office. Do you best and don't engage in shenanigans. - good luck

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Hate to keep rehasing, but... - On site worker

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You are not being asked to do your manager's job, you are being asked to attend meetings in her absence and report back. It's just me, but I would welcome the chance to do something other than be on the phone with people all day and I love learning new things, so being cross trained would thrill me no end. Some people have really bizarre senses of humor and instead of taking everything at face value, when someone says something that you find offensive, confirm if they are joking or serious. Pediatric mental health might make anyone a little jaded, just my observation. Two days with these people is just too soon to be making judgment calls. It seems that you expect them to change but don't want to take responsibility for your role. Don't know why you thought you'd be getting raises right away. Take it from me, discussing salary with co-workers is something you want to avoid. What you are paid is none of their business and vice versa. Go with the flow, learn all you can, it will help you when you change jobs. In the meantime, take a book to read on your breaks and don't fraternize unless you absolutely have to. Good luck regardless of what you choose to do next.

Agree, agree, agree - and agree

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Very sound advice.

Quit today. New job tomorrow! - oldmt

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I decided I was going to stay until I found something else. I had applied back a while ago for data entry at a bank. I got called today saying I got the job! I can hit the ground running this time around. The pay, hours, and drive time is the same. It is actually less driving for me by about 10 minutes. I never expected to find something this soon and something that I would enjoy. I'm not making excuses but I was also told by my supervisor that the CEO will ream me out in the meetings in front of everyone. She gets it all the time, but stays. She said she ignores it. I've never quit a job without notice and feel bad for doing it now, but I'm moving on. Also, I'm not sure who made the comment about me not getting a raise the first day, but I never said that was my intentions.

Good for you! - Let us know how this one goes.

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What a gift. - Life is too short for misery

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Enjoy your new gig with no guilt. I wish you well.

That office is full of unreasonable dysfunctional people and very toxic to health. No amount of common courtesy is worth 2 more weeks of that garbage. They all sound like buffoons.

You are doing the right thing. They don't deserve 2 more weeks of your precious life.

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Driving Me Crazy!
Dec 03, 2010

This physician, not a resident either, is SPELLING words like -- no joke -- chest, lungs, abdomen and with every date, telling me to put the slash marks in.  Whatdehay does he think I'm getting paid for?  I am supposed to know s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g !!!!  oh my goodness.  I just had to tell someone that understands. Thanks for listening. ...

Crazy Question
Dec 11, 2010

This is really silly.  What is the plural of "bolus?"  Boluses looks (and sounds) awkward, but everything I've found backs that up.   ...

Driving Me Crazy!!
Dec 30, 2010

I wish there was a program for MTs that would take "..um.." out of dictations.  ...

NJA Driving Me Crazy
Feb 28, 2011

I'll take terrible ESLs, 30-second reports - anything over NJA.  Makes me crazy.  I sit here, hands hovering above the keyboard, breath bated, just waiting for a job - any job.  The transcription schools keep churning out grads, and those grads keep posting on these forums, asking who's hiring?  where can they find work?  who hired newbies? - but even veterans don't have work.  How am I supposed to pay my mortgage?  ...

Crazy Question But...
Aug 17, 2011

what does it mean when a transcriptionist types (s/l:) and then a word? ...

Ok, Call Me Crazy But . . . .
Sep 01, 2011

here?  it seems pretty simple to me.  I type, you pay.  I meet TAT, you meet payroll.  apparently 2+2 does not = 4?  ...

What Is UP With This Crazy Company?
Sep 14, 2011

I quit the Q last month after my account vanished without any warning and am happily working for another company. I got a call today from some lady from MedQuist asking me if I would answer some questions regarding why I left. I told her I was working at my current job and could not take the time at the moment (something that rarely happened at MQ - having work, that is). Does anyone know what kind of questions they ask and how you answered their questions? I guess I'm just flabbergasted th ...

This Drives Me Crazy!!!
Nov 03, 2012

It just drives me nuts when a doctor says "Patient has a history of whatever in the past."  Duh, isn't that kind of redundant?  History is always in the past.  That's why it's history!  ...

Driving Me Crazy!!!
Dec 04, 2012

I never do this.  I always figure the anonyances are part of the job, but this is making me CRAZY!!! I have a NP who dictates 15-20 min dictations and really only should be about 5 mins.  I have to speed her up like crazy.  Her favorite thing is the dictate at the busiest station around and pauses FOREVER because she's sooooo nosy and has to make sure she listens to everyone elses conversations around her. Seriously?  Are we 13 yrs old and in junior high now???  ...

Call Me Crazy But....
Jan 11, 2013

What if there were legislation requiring MT's be paid a base HOURLY wage much like waitstaff?  Below the Fed Minimum but still compensation for the time we spend researching and doing other things directly related to our jobs that take time away from actual typing.  ...

This Sounds Crazy...but...
Feb 23, 2013

I've been an MT for ages now and started out with straight typing, went to VR for awhile and am now back to straight typing. I LOVE the company I'm with, but am so tired of typing and wish to go back to editing.  So, does anyone work for a decent company that only has VR? Pay isn't as important as consistent work and people who aren't on your back 24/7. I'd prefer a smaller company, but will settle for a medium one.  Thank you in advance! ...

VR Crazy Sentence Of The Day LOL
Jul 11, 2013

"The patient was electrified and later discharged to an elf undergarment." ...

Drives Me Crazy
May 16, 2014

begins and then those pile on with pleas for a job.  Below Frustrated was discussing whether there were any good workers around any more and whoop de doo mad rush of "I e-mailed you about working for you"   Can we just DISCUSS subjects and businesses without people chiming in with the give-me give-mes? Every comment about a company is followed by pleas for ways to get into these companies.  Due diligence - apply, fill out application, take test, quit trying to weasel in on a ...

About Word Expansion - This May Seem A Little Crazy, But
Jan 20, 2010

does anyone else have favorite abbreviations they just love using?  I noticed yesterday when I typed my expansion for 4th-5th webspace (45ws), I actually got a rush- my heart sped up and I felt like "gee that was fun!"  I have a few more that just make my fingers feel good and get a kick out of using.  I'm not a newbie - I've been doing this for twenty years.  Do I just lilke my work too much?  It's these little things that make whole days of typing stuff ...

Am I Crazy Or Is The Suspend Option Gone On DSQ?
Mar 03, 2010

My next job is a stat and I only see Upload, Abandon, Break and Split. ...

MS Updates Doing Crazy Things..HELP
May 28, 2010

My computer is experiencing weird things lately.  I dont know what to do.  One night I went to bed and everything was fine...it was "updating".  I get up the next day, sit down to work and my word2003 is different now.  Another time, i.e. last Sunday, went to be, get up next morning and my Stedmans is completely NOT working...had to reinstall and according to Stedmans, this happens with Microsoft updates.  Now this one is the weirdest of all.  I went to bed last nig ...

Residents Make Me Crazy!
Nov 02, 2010

Quote (sort of)  "This is Dr. Mumblemouth dictating an office visit on patient Sick Person, with Dr. Attending in the Lymphona Clinic.  This letter is addressed to ..." He puts this in as a completely different type of letter, then says it's an office visit, and then says it's Lymphoma clinic and THEN says this letter is addressed to.   This particular idiot resident also stumbles over himself and starts and stops so much that for every 100 lines I actually get cr ...

Could You Work A Crazy Schedule....
Jun 13, 2011

I chose my fate.  When I started my job, I wanted hours that I could work when my kids are sleeping and that wouldn't interfere with the benefits of being a stay at home mom. I have a 5 year old and 1 year old, so working when they were in bed is pretty much a necessity.  I finish at midnight and then am back on at 5 am.  How crazy is that?  I am handling it ok, but some days, I swear I could lay my head on my desk and go to sleep. I am thankful to my company for being ...

Wow, PAs Dictating Make Me Crazy
Mar 26, 2012

As dictated:  "She does have occasional nausea, mostly associated with her chemotherapy regimen; however, she denies any nausea."   ...

WORD HELP Driving Me Crazy!
Jul 13, 2012

I have a doctor who says this all the time:  Three views bilateral foot were obtained.  I always want to change it to bilateral feet.  Which is right foot or feet?   ...