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Brand-new downside to VR I never even imagined: - It messes with your typing skills. (s/m)

Posted: Jan 07, 2013

Have any of you noticed, after months or years of doing nearly 100% VR, that when you get a straight transcription job to type, your speed isn't what it used to be, and you've forgotten half of your shortcuts?  Even worse, I was trying to get a typing certificate a couple weeks ago, and it was typing from copy.  The instructions also were unclear, and I couldn't figure out whether I was supposed to correct all the mistakes in the paragraph I was typing from, or not edit and just type it.  My score came out so low, I obviously didn't get the job, and now my self confidence is plummeting.  If I had known all this VR editing was going to make it even more difficult to get another job, I would have never done it, I would've quit the company.  Anyone else noticing the same, or similar problems?

It will come back to you, no worries. sm - incognito

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I had the same problem, but it won't take long to get it all back.

Even now after a year of straight typing again, when my fingers won't go where I want them to go, I slow down and make sure I am typing clean and not sloppy, and then I can slowly speed up again.

Good luck to you.

So far it's caused me to fail two job interview typing - tests, and giving me severe self-doubts. nm

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i was referring to her resuming straight transcription - not the typing test

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Copy Typing - See Msg

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Once I started transcribing, I couldn't copy type at all and I still can't. Mine has nothing to do with VR, it has to do with losing the ability to copy type. I can still transcribe just fine.

So, I would practice your copy/typing.

VR - schnauzermom

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I have found that when I do editing I seem to miss more mistakes. I find it hard to concentrate and my mind wanders. I thought it would be easier than typing, but now I prefer typing and although my company offers both and I get emails all the time about being "trained on VR" (I have already done it) I ignore them and stick with the straight transcription. Also the 4 c/l is not much encouragement.

Copy typing - Bobo

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It's a known fact that when you have been transcribing for years, your brain starts perceiving copy in a different way. I was told this years ago when I applied for a transcription job and had to type off a copy. The hospital accepted this and said they took in allowances for this kind of thing. I got the job.

I did that too, until finally nothing came my way - except VR, so I was forced into it. nm

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Yep! - sm

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I went from straight typing to VR and then back to straight typing and my speed isn't half what it used to be. :( I'm thankful that you said something, as I thought I was the only one!

I'm currently looking to get out of my 100% straight typing job and back to VR, as I'm sure I'd make equal to or more money.

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