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Advice Please for Job Seeker - CL

Posted: May 29, 2014

I've done medical transcription for 25 years and got laid off.  I'm so desperate for work I've been applying at places like Petco, Meijer, etc.  I think my extensive medical resume puts these companies off, so I thought I'd try private doctors' offices.  Where do you think I should look?  Monster or the like?  Or would a doctor's office use a special website looking for staffing?  Thanks!

The office where I work posts on Craigslist. sm - Feather Tuscadero

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Not always with the best results, but they continue to do so, as well as CareerBuilder. I like searching via Indeed.com because it culls from many different job posting sites and saves me time. That's where I found my current position in a private office.

I always think everything on Craigslist is a scam LOL - CL

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I'm scared of that, too. - nm

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I know, me too. sm - Feather Tuscadero

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They also have gotten some really odd duck applicants from it for various positions...then wonder why they have so much trouble finding good employees.

Doesn't matter where you look... - Anon

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...there are almost no MT jobs out there other than Nuance and MM. Offices use EMR systems and don't need MTs. Monster, CareerBuilder, Indeed, etc., are all good places to look for jobs. You're going to have to dumb down your resume to get hired somewhere like Petco. I've got 30+ years of MT experience, so I know what you're going through.

I'm not looking for an MT job, I just want a job! - CL

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As she said ... update your resume - for each job.

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If you can't get hired because your resume has umpteen years of medical experience, write your resumeso that your experience is applicable to each job you apply for.

Of course they aren't going to hire you with an MT resume! They don't even know what it is! You have to update your resume to show how you have the skills for each job you apply for. You have to sell yourself. If you can't figure out how to do that, get some employment counseling.

I'm in my early 60s, and have come to the - Keypounder - sm
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realization that working for someone else not only becomes less likely with each passing month of unemployment, but also because of hidden ageism. As a result, working for a company of any kind, which was a good choice in 1975, seems like an increasingly foolish one in 2014. I'm looking into selling things I make - anything from sewing, embroidery, drawings, my yummy chocolate cookies, or repurposed items online or at flea markets and street fairs.
Fight hidden ageism - go in person - wheres_my_job
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it seems like you need to go in person so they can see you - I mean, I see lots of places with older people working (I shudder at the thought that most of them are getting minimum wage. That just seems so wrong to me - an ELDERLY person having to work a low-wage job...AT LEAST give them the dignity of above mininum wage...don't pay them what a TEENAGER gets paid, please, no!)

Well got off on a tangent...they said go in person, leave your name and number with them...so I'm gonna try that...good luck to everybody!
Can't go in person when ads give no address - and applications are online-only.
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One time I was trying to get a regular old clerical job at a hospital in Napa, and felt there was some kind of an electronic "ceiling" I wasn't able to get past whenever I applied for something. One day I was in Napa on other business, so I swung on by the hospital and asked at HR if I could fill out a hard-copy application, since "I was there, anyway". HR sent me up to Medical Records, and they told me no, they NEVER accept anything but online applications, no exceptions. So far that's been the case for every job I've applied for. The only ones it seems you can walk in and apply for in person are the ones no one in their right mind would want, anyway. Like at Mickey-D's or Walmart. It's extremely frustrating, but I've come to grips with the fact that we're all being forcibly put out to pasture. If I can hang on by my fingernails until I reach age 66, I'm going to just tap into my SS and call it a day.
It is more "unemployedism" than ageism. - Economy
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The problem is more that you are unemployed. Many studies are showing that people who are unemployed have a much harder time getting than those who are still working.

If you get fired or laid off, no employer wants to take a risk with you. You wouldn't be in that spot if you were a highly desirable worker, after all.

I also think that applying for unskilled jobs like Walmart and Petco, or as a receptionist, is a bad move. Your resume describes a skilled, difficult job that supposedly paid well, it demonstrates education far in excess of the job you are applying for, and probably in excess of the managers there, and yet you want to work in an entry-level, no-brainer job? What does that communicate to the employer? That you have some kind of problem. You either can't do the work in your former job, or you don't understand thejob you are applying for, and you aren't going to be satisfied with the job you want.

Something else ...collecting unemployment is another thing employers don't like. You might want to consider that when you start thinking that you will get your MTSO to lay you off so you can go on the dole for a while. If you aren't making it in your job now, it is better to find a new job before you get fired.

Your chances are also better if you can show some effort made toward getting up-to-date training. If you are older, that is a good way to show that you are not mentally or energetically impaired.

If all you can do is sit there filing the same old resume over and over with the same tired skills for low-rent jobs while moaning about ageism, maybe it is time to retire. I say that because the attitude and behavior you display in job hunting is exactly what you will bring to the job.

If you can't figure out how to write a resume, can't learn new skills, and can't figure out what job you are appropriate for, you can't research and solve problems on the job, learn the new job, or understand the employer's needs. That is what is killing you.

LOL - of course, that's it! We're doing it all wrong! - wheres_my_job
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"If you can't figure out how to write a resume, can't learn new skills, and can't figure out what job you are appropriate for, you can't research and solve problems on the job, learn the new job, or understand the employer's needs..."

LOL. Gee, why didn't any of us figure all THAT out? I'm sure none of that ever crossed ANY of our minds. Nope, not a one! We were MTs, constantly looking stuff up...but somehow, we just can't look stuff up about job hunting. We just don't know how to do the RESEARCH. We were MTs, but we just...don't know...how to do research...........LOL
Maybe you know how, but are not doing it - on job apps.
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You need to look at this from the employer's perspective. If you present a tired, out of date, inappropriate image in a job application, they think that is what you will be on the job.

Instead of attacking the person who is giving constructive advice, maybe you should listen instead.

That's another little feature that keeps people out of jobs or helps them to keep getting fired ... an attitude of entitlement, the idea that they don't need to improve, and a tendency to see an attack behind everything they see and hear.

LOL - "attitude of entitlement" - wheres_my_job
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Good ole MTStars message board, always good for a laugh :)

I would take advice that is relevant to my situation...but you are so far off the mark, it's funny. Authoritarian mindset - check. Blame the victim - check. Projection - check.

I have a job. I'm really good at it! I get positive feedback and it goes in my file (they share feedback with us). But I don't want to do it full-time - too sedentary by far. So I want something a bit more active, part-time. I also want to sell stuff I make. So it's complicated.

That's not an "attitude of entitlement." It's self-esteem. Yes, brow-beaten MTs, struggling, possibly impoverished, looking for a job in today's job market, you, YES YOU, are entitled to self-esteem. You are entitled to want a life for yourself that doesn't feel like indentured servitude. YOU MATTER.

Have a great day everybody, and don't let the turkey buzzards get you down!
I update my resume for EVERY job and I am attending a university so that isn't it. - CL
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OK, but look at your post above ... - sm
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You may be "updating" your resume for every job, but above you said that your "extensive medical resume" put people off.

I think you misunderstand what was meant by tailoring your resume for each job. It does not mean updating dates and maybe adding how you walked dogs for elderly neighbors one summer.

It means completely rewriting your resume to focus on the employer's needs and how you fit them.

You have to investigate the job and the employer, figure out how your past employment fit that, and present it on paper.

And, honestly, if you are looking so far beneath your abilities, it is no surprise that no one will hire you! They know it is below your abilities, so you won't stay. You're in university, so you won't stay. And, all those things mean your abilities are better than the person hiring you! Of course they don't want you!

I suggest you pay a visit to your university's job placement office, or their employment office, or the job board, or whatever they have, and ask them for help. There are on-campus jobs. Their referral for other jobs can help.

You might also try temping. That is a good way to get some non-medical experience and skills.
Collecting unemployment - is not going "on the dole"
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Seems ridiculous when you're LAID OFF, - not fired. Oh well. UI works for me.
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That's true. With today's job market and 30+ yrs' - experience, you would have to - s/m

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lop off 20 years of that experience in order to get anyone to even read your résumé. I'm having that exact same problem.

A few tips - Hints

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A couple of days ago someone on another board asked a similar question and this was my answer to her. I just copied most of it to answer your question so please ignore anything that doesn't pertain to you. Also, below is the link to a Forbes article about jobs you can do anywhere, many of which most people don't think of as work at home jobs, but more importantly there are links in the article for other job hunting sites. Good luck.

I used to be a hiring coordinator, and the most important thing for me was keeping the resume to one page. Most people don't have time to go through several pages to find what they are looking for. If they don't see the important information right off, your resume is likely to be tossed aside in favor of the next one. Keep to your most recent employment history and higher levels of education. Longevity is also a key selling point, although difficult in this economy, but if you have or had a job for many years, list that. Always tailor your resume for the job you are going for. If it is an MT job, play up those skills, if it is administrative or technical, put emphasis on those attributes. Always send a cover letter when mailing or faxing your resume. The cover letter should be specifically written for that company, so a quick Google search for basic info about the company is a good idea. Knowing something about the company and how your skill set would benefit both the company and yourself can be mentioned in that cover letter. Think of it as an extra opportunity to promote yourself. Good luck, let us know how it goes.

When checking employment history, prospective employers are supposed to contact the HR department directly, not your supervisor unless you are using a supervisor as a reference. There are legal issues on what questions can and cannot be answered, so most companies defer that to HR. Provide the phone number for HR on your resume as the contact number, this will make it easier. On the bottom of your resume type "References available upon request." I always get letters of references for myself personally, that way I know what is said as it is in a letter. You should try to present them with three reference letters, and they don't have to be from former employers or supervisors, they can be from any professional person in which you have had dealings. For example, if you volunteer at a church or shelter regularly you can get a reference from the pastor or manager of the shelter which could speak to your dependability, promptness, etc. If you have known your doctor or dentist a long time they can speak to your character.

As MTs, most of the jobs we go for these days are all done on line or over the phone, but if at any time you should have a face to face interview always dress for success! It shows that you respect the interviewer and appreciate their time and the chance for an interview. I had a guy show up in cut off shorts and flip-flops once, and another time a woman showed up with alcohol on her breath. You don't have to wear a suit, long pants or a skirt is fine. I even said to the guy with the cut offs, if I had interrupted his day at the beach. That was my way of opening up a chance for him to say he had a flat tire or something and didn't want to be late for the interview, instead he just laughed. I got the feeling he wasn't serious about the job. Also, if you have a face to face interview, sending a thank note for their time and your continued interest in the job is always a plus. It is the little things like that which will be remembered and set you apart from the rest.


What do you do if the application specifically - asks for immediate supervisor & phone #?

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Do you put whoever is head of HR, and HR's phone #, or do you put the supervisor's name and HR's #? Or...?

Also, how do you deal with "required" boxes on applications that ask for age?

Some even ask for number of years worked at each company listed. I have a tendency to stay with companies a long time (one 8 years, one 29 years). Do you just put zeroes?

Give name of your supervisor and HR number - sm

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They are asking how to contact your former employer. Give them the name of your supervisor, regardless of whether you know where they are today, and the company's HR number.

If they asked how long you worked there or your age, tell them. If you don't, they won't hire you anyway.

And if I tell them, they also won't hire me. - Oh well. Ive begun to not care.
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Maybe I'll get a little more enthused once my unemployment runs out.

Answers - Hints

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Give the supervisors name and the HR number.

Longevity is a good thing, a very good thing. I looked for that myself. No one wants to spend the time training someone only to have them leave six months or a year later. Most companies want you to stay, as they are investing time and money into your training. You worked for a company for 29 years, defiantly put that on there!

True story: I have a family member who was laid off after 31 years at the same job. I did his resume, prominently featuring the longevity of his last job. He got an interview. I told him to wear a suit, he took his letters of reference, I told him to give a firm handshake, be himself at the interview, and send a thank you note to the interviewer. There were over 600 applicants for the job and only 7 job openings. He was the first one hired. He was 55 years old when he was hired two years ago.

About age, it is illegal on a federal and state level for a prospective employer to ask your age. Do some employers do it anyway? Of course they do, but you can always call them on it if they persist with that line of questioning, or if you feel you did not get the job for that reason. See the paragraph below for illegal and/or inappropriate lines of questioning. If you find that question on an application, leave it blank. DOB should not be disclosed until after you are hired and filling out the necessary paperwork.

There are a number of things an employer is prohibited from asking the applicant. These include:

Age/date of birth: Generally, age is considered not to be relevant in most hiring decisions, and therefore, date of birth questions are improper. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act protects employees 40 years old and above. It is permissible to ask an applicant to state his or her age if it is less than 18. Internal uses of date of birth for computations with respect to a pension or profit-sharing plan, this information can be obtained after the person is hired.

Race, religion, national origin: These questions are generally inappropriate, either on employment applications or during job interviews. Ordinarily, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for their employees̢۪ religious practices, thus eliminating the necessity for asking whether an applicant̢۪s religious beliefs would prohibit his or her working at certain times and on certain days in most situations.

Physical traits, disabilities: If questions are asked related to height and weight requirements such requirements should be directly related to job performance .The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits general inquiries about disabilities, health problems, and medical conditions.

Union membership: It is not proper for a prospective employer to ask the applicant whether or not if they are a member of a union.

I showed up for one where I was told it was just a "typing test." I did perfectly and fin - CL

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Job Seeker - IM

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I was just hired. I found a transcription job paying hourly about 10 mins from home. I was looking on Monster and Careerbuilder. I got a few interviews using my other skill set, but nothing for transcription in my area. I was surprised to find out that there are some legitimate companies that post on Craigslist under the jobs section. Just be careful. I was just getting ready to give up my search on the other 2 sites at 3 a.m., went to CL, and found the post. I have been transcribing from home for 13 years. I finally was forced to look for a new job, not happy with all the changes. Stay hopeful, be persistent. Check those sites frequently. also try Indeed.com. My new job was also posted on the other 2 sites, but some how I missed it. GOOD LUCK!!

That is great news! - Hints

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I am glad to hear it. Best of luck in the future.

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