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AHDI cancer registrar course - just me

Posted: Mar 22, 2012

I got a folder from AHDI today about a course they offer for this. Guess they are getting out of MT. They never supported the MT's.

I wouldn't pay 10 cents for ANYTHING AHDI offers. - Nothing but scamming con-artists! n/m

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WHO is that from? Sure it isn't from AHIMA or somebody else? - Stir the pot much?

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Are you sure that brochure wasn't from AHIMA?

I ask because there was no evidence on the AHDI website that they teach ANY courses. They don't even teach MT, so I would wonder how they could come up with a college level, accredited cancer registrar program. I would also wonder why they kept it a secret this long, too. I have seen no talk about them going into cancer registry.

I also have to wonder why, if they DID have a course in it, they would not have included cancer registry in their recommendations for MTs the other day.

That was from AHIMA. I got one too. NM - MT

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More hysteria - reminds me of those lynch mobs back in the old West - Just Mass Hysteria

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Somebody makes a claim.
Somebody else believes it.
Pretty soon there's a whole mob of people going off the deep end--for nothing. They call that 'Mass Hysteria'. I think that's what we see too much of these days.

Yes, and then you begin to see why these people can't get or keep a job. - "Oppositional" comes to mind NM

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Stuck-up management B_ comes to mind for me. - n/m

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AHIMA's offered one for years. Good field, not always work - nearby, need 4-yr degree for license. NM

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What "license" is required for CTR??? What state does that? - Are you talking about NCRA cert or what

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Are you taking about the Certified Tumor Registrar certification offered by the National Cancer Registry Association?

That requires an Associate's degree, which is a 2-year degree, not a 4. You can meet the requirements with an AA in cancer registry or, if you already have an AA, with a certificate in cancer registry (like the AHIMA program), and 160 hours of work practicum, which may or may not be included in the AA or certificate program. The programs must be NCRA accredited.
See the NCRA website for details.

CTR - inthisprogram

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This job does not require any "degree." One can attain the certified status a few different ways, but having a degree is not mandantory and certainly not a 4-year degree. Someone is posting without doing their homework.
CTR exam - Nila
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Here's what you need to take the CTR exam. Seems like more job ads are asking for a 4-year degree, depending on how large the cancer program is.

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x ...

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