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3 pet peeves of dictators all in one dictation - Ann H.

Posted: Feb 16, 2011

Three pet peeves that I have when it comes to dictators are eating, coughing, and sneezing.  I got 'em all in one piece of dictation.  All the way through words are separated by smacking noises, coughing, sneezing, and snorting.  These doofuses should be made to listen to their own dictation.  There are more sound effects than words.  Sorry, just had to vent.

I always crack up when I see what VR does with - all the doctor sound-effects! Hilarious!

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Me too - anon

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you know when you see the phrase "see alice" what drug it is. LOL.

If a dictating doctor does a loud cough, and a snort, - (sm) - MT Wordz

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VR will make up something to put in there, such as: "The patient was bored, and his clothes came off, but he was short."

If he turns and says to someone off in the distance, "I'm dictating!", VR might put, "The fly was lactating."

If he blows his nose near the microphine, I might have to edit VR's, "The airplane couldn't swim; it was born that way."

If a radiologist rattles x-ray films in the background, VR takes that to mean, "The Doppler effect was a whopper".

Gotta love that VR, it's funny. I just hope the people that use it didn't pay too much for it, because it's worthless.

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