A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

This is what I have learned from this board - Enlightened

Posted: Feb 02, 2012

Hey, I have been off and on following this board for a while, and I have to say thanks to you, I am on my way to what will be a new career.  But after today, I felt I had to share what happened to me while studying for a test tomorrow:  The $$ in this career does not matter, actually I don't even know where it starts or ends!  Anyway, at this point, what matters to me is that I have found my "place", I am happy with the prospect of either working for a hospital, but ultimately would love to work with the Federal Government.  I am a "big picture" person.  I have just started, and am only into the Medicare portion of my learning.  I can tell you this, I know we all need to pay the rent and put gas in our cars, but really, I see the "tree" of responsibility, I see a lot of things that I want to know more about.  It's a new world, a new adjustment, I want to be a part of the puzzle that makes it all fit together (that sounded cheesy), if you know what I mean?  It's going to be a diffucult adjustment, yes we have a new President with some pretty radical (and I don't mean that in a bad or good way!) plans, but as a member of the medical profression for many years, and okay, a little chip on my shoulder from the changes, I have to say, let's hang in there okay?  Well, just venting, I just need to study and go to bed..........have a test tomorrow.......

Might I inquire as to which school you enrolled? - Ready to take plunge myself

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Ready to take the plunge, probably with Andrews, just trying to scrape together the $1000 down payment. Since I haven't made a firm decision yet, wondering which school you went with, what supplies you received, when you're able to start, how many hours per day you're able to study and work, etc.

Thanks much!!!

While you're answering her questions, I have a couple - sm

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What certifications or credentials do the graduates of your course usually get?

What are the qualifications of the instructors? Do they have a CPC or CCS?

What credentials do you hope to get and when? Do you want to get credentials eventually? Ever? As soon as you graduate?

I hope that isn't too many questions.

Thanks for answering any that you are able to answer.

School - Enlightened

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It sounds from the posts I have seen in the past, that Andrews must be a great school. I went with a vocational college (MTI actually) in my area. Make sure you take your time in planning out your tuition, supplies etc. What I am saying apply ahead of time for financial aid to see what is available for you, you might be surprised, I haven't checked Andrews out, but they probably have a FA counselor that will walk you through it. Also, depending on what state you live in, (I'm in CA), there are various financial aid options. And yes, with my work schedule, it's rough! I almost wish now I did go with an online program. I study nights, Saturdays, Sunday I want to try to just not do anything. Testing is right on site here, which was one of the "draws" for me. I would suggest doing a search here for Andrews to get more success stories, I know I have seen many! I wish you the best of success!

What "testng" is onsite at that school? - Curious

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I am wondering what onsite testing that school could be offering. It seems it was a main factor in your decision to enroll there. Having to attend a particular school in order to take a certification test, or there being any advantage in that, is new to me.

I did not think the AHIMA exams were offered that way. The AAPC exams are offered locally anyway and are often administered at colleges and hospitals, but you would not usually need to attend any particular program in order to join in on the testing.

Which test is it?

CCA testing - Enlightened
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Oh no, I didn't enroll in that particular school "just" because it offered NCCT testing for the CCA, (which is third-party), it just seemed convenient that they also offered that, we can sit for the CCA there, but we don't HAVE to. I don't think I would be ready for the CCS, I'm not that fast when it comes to the learning process, but I will sure be striving for that. Well, that's it from me for awhile. Have a great weekend!
Double double, toil and trouble... - Doubting Thomas
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More nonsense. I hope no one falls for this.
Cryptic Doubter Strikes Again - sm
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It would be helpful if you posted some reasons or explanation instead of those drive-by quips. A lot less annoying, well.

You waste other's time getting them to cick on your post, only to find that YOUR post is the nonsensical one.

What don't you believe about it? Or is this all just some secret known only to you?

It is possible that the CCA is offered at her school. Pearson VUE does contract with technical colleges. I hope she can get a job with it.

falls for what? - huh?
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What are you seeing, I don't get it.
I just don't get it - Enlightened
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I guess this board is just not for me. I posted about my recent experiences, and I get an inquisition like never before, what is up with that?!? AND, I have checked out some former poster's, and same thing, whatever....I guess I'm insecure or something, but it was strange, to say the least. Oh, and I'm sure after I post this, there will be the usual: Well if you can't handle this, then you are...blah, blah, blah...stirring the pot, poser, hey, seriously? Save it and don't waste the space here. Things are tough all over for all of us, I really don't get why ANYONE would, especially when a lot of us post about enrolling already and have sacrificed JUST to get into school and afford it, then suggest that we have done the wrong thing, the wrong school, an unqualified teacher, a waste of money, "don't know what we are doing", what are their credentials, etc.

We all take the route we need to, to get to where we want to be okay? None of us have the "perfect road map" to get there. I thought this board was about support. I was wrong, seems there are other agendas (personal or professional) in play here, and I personally opt out. Peace.
The motive in play here - sm
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I see curiosity about your choice from other people interested in the same career switch, not an inquisition.

But you are right that there is a motive in play here. A lot of us are experienced coders who are trying to help prospective coders make a good choice. We see a lot who fall for hype from the kinds of schools that are known to produce grads who cannot get a job. Or schools that offer near-bogus certifications from organizations that are not accepted in the industry. Or schools that teach half the coding that others do.

You made your choice already, so you are a done deal. We hope it works out for you. Your community may hire grads from the school you chose. You may be able to pass the CCA.

We asked about the test because it was switched to Pearson only recently. Before, it could not have been held at your school. The only one that could have been was one of the bogus ones or the CPC. The CPC would have been fine, but if it had been another we would hae explained that you would still need to take the CPC or CCS. You will still need to do that after the CCA, but we hope your job prospects in your community are ok with the CCA. They would be more ok than with a bogus exam.

If you need help with anything, you are welcome to ask. we want you to succeed. That is our motive.
I am asking these questions because I think they are important - No Trick Questions But Important Ones
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I asked several questions, because I believe they are important.

1) What kind of credentials to graduates of the school you are attending usually get after they graduate?

2) What kind of qualifications do your instructors have?

3) What kind of credentials do you hope to sit for when you finish?

Those are not trick questions.
About the NCCT NCICS test - sm
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It is the NCCT ... National Center for Competency Testing ... NCICS ... Nationally Certified Insurance and Coding Specialst ... test.

The NCCT is an organization set up to certify students of career colleges that are members of the CCA. The colleges teach things that do not lead to a regular credential like the CPC, so the organization sets up one to fit what they do teach.

This is the course that career colleges all over the country teach. It is medical front office, not coding.

Not saying anything is wrong with that. You can probably get a doctor's office receptonist job a lot more easily than a coding job. It just is not a coding credential and you should not expect to get a coding job with it. Nor should you expect the salary coders make, the work they do, or the potential for advancement.

You should definitely not expect to get a coding job in the federal government with it. It is not a credential they recognize. I do not think any AHIMA credentialed professional would recognize it.

There may be doctors' offices that think it is something, but it is not recognized in coding.

Not saying the OP made a mistake. She feels she is slow learner and that this fits her needs. If that is the case coding might be too difficult for her and this would be all she can handle. Maybe a medical front office job is what she wants.

If it isn't what YOU want, steer clear of programs like this. We have 3 or 4 of them here.

Info about the school - sm

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The OP indicated she isn't coming back, so the following shouldn't offend her. I think it is important to post this, since it is such a good example of what we have been talking about here. Schools teaching coding may teach different things, it pays to think twice about the benefit of federal financial aid, and you really have to pay close attention to what certifications the program prepares you for.

Schools offering federal financal aid are now required to disclose certain information. It is very important for prospective students to read that information critically because it cuts through the vague information on websites and the helpfulness of the FA counselors. The problem with it is that it can be difficult to figure out if you are unfamiliar with a career field, as most students would be.

Google MTI Sacramento to see this school's
website. They offer cosmetology, phlebotomy, and medical assisting programs, and something they call medical billing and coding. You have to read carefully and link up the clues to determine what that is.

This is what the program consists of: "Medical insurance billing and coding, completing and submitting medical insurance forms, creating an maintaining medical charts, preparing reports and correspondence, scheduling appointments, and greeting patients."

I am a coder. The only similarity to what I do is the word coding, but that is not the coding I do. I do not perform those job functions. Those job functions are "medical front office." In other words, they are medical secretarial/receptionist/billing functions.

There are more clues to confirm this. Students are said to be able to get jobs in medical offices. The program teaches Medisoft, a popular medical office program. (Coders use programs called encoders, like QuadraMed and 3M, not Medisoft, and do not require formal training in their use.)

What is this program actually teaching? Coding as you and I understand it? Where would you find that fact? It is in the disclosure information. Sample Occupation: Medical Secretaries.

If you are unfamiliar with the job you and I know as coding, you might not realize that medical secretaries are not coders and that trainng in medical secretary will not qualify you for a job as a coder.

What job do students get? It says that 40% finish on time, less than half, and that the job placement rate is 96%. The job they are placed in is medical secretarial. The person behnd the window in the reception room.

If you are an otherwise untrained individual who just graduated from high school or never worked, maybe that is a good job. But an MT No. An MT already knows most of what that program is teaching. For an MT, filling in the billing and coding part for that job should be a matter of getting a book from Amazon (Fordney) and working through it.

Can you get a real coding job with that program? Perhaps, but you need to take that information seriously. It is telling you that you can get a medical secretary or front office job, not a coding job. If its grads were getting coding jobs, the typical occupation would be in coding.

Oh, but it offers certification testing on site! Someone above thought it might be Pearson VUE and the AHIMA CCA. The OP seems to think it is that one, too. I do not believe it is. The snazzy little graphic says it is the Certified CodER Associate. The AHIMA certification is the Certified CodING Associate. Just a mistake? Probably not. It is most likely deliberate. It is difficult to pinpoint what certification that is, but I have seen it before.

The clue is that the acronym for the test agency is given. NCTS. They offer certifications in medical assisting, phlebotomy, and medical billing and insurance. Not even coding ... med billing and insurance. Front office again. The one students in that program wll get if they pass (pass rates were not provided) is "Insurance and Coding Specialist". Sadly, that credential is not known to or recognized by coders or those who employ them. It is not the AHIMA CCA, nor is it even in the ballpark with any of the others.

How much does this cost? Tuition and Registration: $12,600. Books and Supplies: $1,588. Wow.

As the loan counselor undoubtedly pointed out, you do not need money now. Federal loans will cover it. You can learn now and get a great job as a medical secretary and ay off what you owe later. Sounds great.

That is the selling point that makes so many people feel that choosing that program or a program like it is a decision they HAVE to make.
"I have no money now, so this is the only way I can do this." It is the same story we saw in MT. It is the same trade off of what appears to be a financial boon for educational content.

Well you think, they won't have to pay back much. The feds would not allow someone to be saddled with insurmountable debt. In the past, before disclosure was mandated, it was difficult to figure out what you would owe.

The median amount owed by grads in this program is $7004.66. That means half owe less, but half owe MORE.

Is it reasonable to expect a secretary to pay back that much? No. It isn't even reasonable to expect a coder to pay back that much. That is why some schools do not offer federal loans.

In comparison, this comes out to nearly twice what Andrews costs. You really have to do your homework. I hope this post has shown you that.

Salary info - Coder
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Medical biller and coder in California ... 27K

Medical transcriptionist in California ... 36K

Medical coder in California ... 46K to 65K

Coding supervisor in California ... 85K

Good luck to you!!! - tired

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I applaud you for moving on..This is my ending choice of work..I played the big picture and had the dream job for years but after getting hurt and them making me retire, this was a good choice to sit home and make sure my kids were on the straight and narrow..It is boring, I feel like I am fighting an uphill battle every day, especially with this VSR,,,if the things that should be right on a regular basis are consistently wrong, all I can do is think that people are consistently keeping them wrong..It frustrates me, but I do my part and I know my reports are right..I have 3 years till my baby is out of college and I dont need the extra income and then I am done..Cant wait..

My bad though you switched from transcription, which stinks royally.. - tired

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I hear coading is much better..

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