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I have learned. - Mel

Posted: Sep 30, 2010


I have worked as an MT employed at the same hospital for 10 years. In the past 2 years, I have also started doing IC part-time.

Being an IC is taking a step down. Never in a million years did I know they have to work twice as hard as an employee. I just pray for the ICs.

As an employee, I make twice as much as an IC.

IC: Platforms are slow. More problems with sound quality and several ESL doctors. Supervisor sometimes does not supply sample dictations and not helpful when needed (my own personal experience).

Employee: I work offsite but can work onsite if I want. I call the supervisor and get quick responses. If the dictation is bad, supervisor will let physician know and he/or she will redo it. I have the opportunity to make an hourly wage plus incentive.  As an employee of the hospital, I make more money (twice than IC).

I will still hang onto my IC part-time job because you never know what the furture holds. Until then, I am learning.

Hi, Mel. Nice to get your experience. It's not surprising that - Pragmatist

[ In Reply To ..]
you're finding ICs work harder since they're paid only for the lines they produce. Employees get paid a fixed sum for showing up and doing at least the minimum required, plus those pleasant chats about dictators, where to have lunch, etc. I remember those fondly.

I am surprised you make more than twice as much as an employee as an IC even though you work much harder as an IC. It's traditionally been the opposite. That must be a very nice incentive scale you're paid as an employee. Or/and the type of low IC pay some people are being offered these tough days--? Another thing that occurs is that hospital wages might be significantly over current market rates--?? Hope not, because that would be a dangerous sign.

Less assistance from contractor? Yes, actually would expect that one. Independents are supposed to be...that. Problem-free. Right off the supervisor's to-do-today planning.

You sound as if you're as in charge of your future as one can be right now, with a safety net strung. Hopefully your hospital will continue to choose for the benefits of local production.

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