A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
why would a job ad not post any company identifier outside of a - possibly bogus gmail address? strange? NM
Posted: Apr 07, 20142
Because maybe - Molly
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it is a company who does not pay on time and they cannot get anybody to apply under their name. I would be careful about this company.
Maybe because... - Admin
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they are just another MT, like you, that years of HARD WORK has finally paid off, and they lucked up on a BIG contract. Now, they have to start a team of MTs. That's EXACTLY why I posted my ad with a bogus gmail account. But there's NOTHING bogus about my ad at all. So many Debbie downers these days...
I see it as not Debbie Downers, but Bunny Burned. - ad could have said what you just did.
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I would think you'd know better. You this snarky to work for?
I am Bunny Burned and YES, I QUESTION.
What do you mean? - Admin
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I didn't feel it necessary to post my name, and I have a legit reason for that. One that I definitely don't have to explain on this board. I feel my ad completely explained what I was looking for, and what I was offering. I guess in my MANY years of being a MT, I've never been as burnt as some people on here and feel sometimes you see what you're looking for and you take a chance. I'm far from "snarky" to work for. ;)
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You are right,you don't have to post your name or company, but it makes MTs not trust you. You should read the company board about all the companies who don't pay MTs the money they owe them. One company posting that comes to mind is Accutran. There are a lot of bad comments about this company. This company and others like it should be ashamed of themselves for being dishonest to hard-working MTs who only want to earn a living.
I KNOW the feeling... - Admin
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I have been in a situation where I did not get paid, and I do see where you are coming from. However, like I said in my earlier post, I do have a legit reason why I did not post my name, and since I'm just an MT, like you, I do not have a company name. I'm a two-MT team right now and only looking for someone to add to my team. I'm new to this, so forgive me.
Business licenses are cheap, various types to fit needs. - check with your state. sm
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I'm surprised with all the privacy regulations, etc., this 'big account' you just acquired didn't ask for your license #. Just my thoughts.
I think your best bet, as you are set up now, is to ask your coworkers if thay have family or friends that would sign on as your reputation with them is your reference of trust. Otherwise, might be hard to hire outside of that.
good luck to you.
and then read the posting guidelines on the job board - specifically #2. anonMT
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MTSOs: Job Ad Posting Requirements
Posted By: Moderator on 2007-08-03
2. Your ad must contain all 3 of these pieces of information: (1) Your company name, (2) your company location (city AND state) and (3) a visible e-mail address. If your company has a website, you should list the website.
(just a heads up, moderators tend to delete violating ads - for our protection)
yes...that is what I mean about no company name makes one leary of that - supposed company and
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with no way to check them out, i.e. web site, business license, BBB, etc.
BIG RED FLAG. Being Bunny Burned (nonpayment/identify theft) - I refuse to send personal information and work history to someone discrete to the point of no tracking information. Frankly, I'M surprised that someone on the hire, an MT no less, doesn't get that. It's just smart business.
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