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are there any companies with actual work? - tired of begging

Posted: Feb 17, 2015

I am tired of begging for work and then the higher ups send out messages about so many jobs on the system/out of TAT but yet I ask daily for work and there isn't any. Looking for some place that can actually keep me busy with work.

Actual work - northern MT

[ In Reply To ..]
What shift do you work? I ask because I see this complaint on the boards often. Working PMs, I don't run into that a lot. I'm guessing that everybody wants days -- part of the problem. As grandma used to say, "You gotta make hay when the sun shines."

all hours of the day - begging

[ In Reply To ..]
I start at 7 a.m. and don't stop until 11 p.m. EST. I check all throughout the day, and I work every day of the week too.

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