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TT/IMEDX Cancer Account - TTMT2

Posted: Jan 29, 2015

Has anyone heard about what's going on with Imedx's cancer account. I have only gotten a few reports today and have heard nothing from the manager today, even though I sent her a message. Does anyone know what's going on?

TT/IMEDX Oncology Account - ColtsFan

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I haven't heard anything at all. I was working along this morning okay...and then all of the sudden everything was gone. I'm very, very concerned. Wish they would just tell us!

Really great now that we had to use all our PTO time at the end of the year!


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I know. That's the hardest thing with the not knowing what's going on. Then to not receive a morning update only adds to the mystery. I guess we'll find out soon enough... Hopefully!


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I noticed Nuance had started doing work on the account I am on while I was searching for an old report. Maybe that is something you can do to see if there are new names working on your account.

TT/Imedx no work - gonesoon

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I've got 3 accounts - none oncology - absolutely no work on any of them. Guess I'll be working into the wee hours to make up the time.

Same here... OOW - UWUP

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No emails today either, no work (not on an oncology account). It has been this way since beginning of year. This should be the busiest time of the year, you would think, with so many illnesses going around, etc. I just know this gets SO OLD waiting, hoping, praying for work to "show up." I've been doing this a LONG time and it is the same anymore with every company. Starts out great, slowly dies down, then days like this out of work, no communication. Guess it is time to search for something different. Things happen for a reason I suppose!
Work non-MTSO and we are slow too at - major hospital
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not as slow as this, but not terrifically busy.

No work at night either--working all weekend. - ColtsFan

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I normally work third shift and there hasn't been any work the last 2 nights. Not that I want to, but I will have to try to catch some lines Friday night and Saturday, but so will everyone else. I HATE THIS!!!

Said here yesterday it has gone to TTS. - I have no idea, though.

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I heard the same thing. If they lost part of the account (I started getting some work, but the latest status said there were under 100 reports - WAAAYYY down down from what we've been getting), then at least give us the courtesy of letting us know so that we can act accordingly. I get absolutely no information unless the manager forwards it to us. Hopefully someone will say something soon, but we know that's only wishful thinking!

How can it go to TTS? - wrong platform

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TTS is escription.. the cancer acct is fluency

TT/IMEDX Recent Job ad - CMT Needs work

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This company just advertised for oncology jobs on MTStars on 1/20/15 (ad still there). I got an invitation to test, but decided not to. Good question if new people are training on your work and how could they do that to you. Best of luck. I have had similar things happen with half the work disappearing on a good, longstanding account and the bosses refusing to disclose the truth until I badgered them and eventually quit and for 2 jobs. They lost the work to other vendors. Very disappointing.

Well when our work all disappeared (not TT/ImedX)- sm - AnonDrone

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but another victim of Imedx....about half of our oncology acct was shipped off to India....there one day and gone the next. I suspect something similar is happening there. I lost four doctors that way and my income plummeted, it still has not recovered with the new doctors I was given. I make about 25-30% of what I used to now which really sucks. Luckily don't rely on that job totally, though it has really hurt my monthly budget to make $1000-$1500 less a month.

no work - gonesoon

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Only had to sit 30 minutes last night, but figured there would be more if people were at the Exponent HR meeting and more work for the rest of us. Obviously, not!

About oncology account sent to India... - Rachel

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I'm curious if that was hospital, outpt or clinic? rad/onc or hem/onc? The onc I am doing I don't think they could do in India, but nothing would surprise me.

I believe it was all clinic but both HO and RO-sm - AnonDrone

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Lost tons of doctors to India. Only a few hospitals did not transition as they refused to have their dictation go to India, but the majority rolled over and allowed it. I have heard though that a lot of the docs are quite unhappy though.

It isn't just oncology accounts out of work - everyone is affected right now

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I've had no work for 3 days on my main account and no work on my FIVE backup accounts.

I've been at TTMS long enough to know that Jan, Feb, and even March are notoriously slow. What makes this so bad this time, however, is that NO ONE IS COMMUNICATING. No emails (and yes my email is working fine), no updates, no NOTHING.

Don't these azzwipes realize that when they say nothing, their employees freak out? For Godsakes, just tell us the truth. We're grownups. At least we could be looking for another job, if that's what this has come to. I can't do this for another 10 years until I hit retirement age. I can't believe how many years I've wasted in this business, always worried, always waiting for the ax to fall. I have never been so stressed and depressed in my life. This isn't worth it.

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