Does anyone or a moderator have any information on this place or company? Well it does not seem to be a company. Thanks
The MT waters are swimming with sharks, and - -Rocky Raccoon - s/m
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especially during these hard times, the sharks are breeding and multiplying. And why shouldn't they? They have a nearly endless supply of ever-more-desperate MTs to prey upon. They can smell our financial desperation a mile away, and will circle, reading MT forums and looking for those of us who need jobs the most, and they they'll attract us with job ads that sound like the answer to all our problems.
So, we have to be more vigilant than ever. Check out so-called companies (or even real ones) here, or through Yelp or the Better Business Bureau. If applying, DO NOT give them personal information other than a contact phone number, or an email other than your normal, personal email. Never, ever, pay for a job. This includes if you are using the services of an employment agency. The employer pays them, NOT the employee.
If something doesn't look right about an advertised employer's website, don't click on ANYTHING. Close it by using your CTL-ALT-DEL function, instead. If you start getting spam or other types of unwanted emails from someone you applied with, often it's possible to block their address from your inbox.
The Great Whites are lurking out there, and we, unfortunately, are the chum.
Thanks so much - Roma
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Well since it was just a server that came up when I googled it bothered me.
And I thought maybe just someone trying to get their work done or overload and that they might not be legit. Not sure but made me wonder for sure.
I did not apply, asked first to see what the thinking on here is - Ohio MT
[ In Reply To ..] is We had an older cable company that was bought out by Time Warner (a little company) and for our email extension, they gave us the long version of But I know in the big city, their Roadrunner extension is
Could it be just MRI (RAD) MT? - Ohio MT
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Not sure...but could this just be for an "MRI" transcriptionist? As in radiology MRI? I don't think a company name is intended. JMHO.
An MT who types MRI scans. (NM) - She must have been in a hurry
I was sent a contract and letter of hire for the QA position posted on MTstars from this company. Can anyone give me any current information on this company?
TIA ...
I sent my resume in and just heard back last week asking if I was still interested. She sent a brief little word document with some account specs, cpl and paydates--no contract, HIPAA agreement, etc. I did three voice files the first day. She sent back a copy of my transcription, supposedly with corrections, but there were no QA markings or corrections. I did 15 voice files the next day and again she sent back a copy of my transcription with no obvious corrections. I asked her how I was sup ...
When this board first started up Linda was on here quite often but haven't seen her in a while. Oh well, just noticing. Wow, this board has taken off! ...
Per the request you sent via email, I have tried to call the number you provided four times but only get your voicemail. I did call during office hours. If you wish to communicate, email me again and let me know when I can reach you. I do not give out my number, which is unpublished for personal reasons, nor do I provide my email address to individuals I do not know personally. ...
Just wondering if you have seen the new Journal of AMIMA and noticed how much of its content was dedicated to Computer Assisted Coding and changing roles of coders? I found it pretty interesting since I had just been talking the advent of such a short time ago! Our company's new owner is all about advancing technologies and say he won't go into ICD10 without CAC on board. ...
I am working at a company who observes certain holidays and we are required to work 4 of them, but this is the first company I have ever worked where I have to use my PTO on the holiday I am supposed to be off. Does your company do the same?
Thank you! :) ...
I thought this was a really cute and interesting way to raise money for breast cancer awareness. Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon made this video to help raise funds and it looks like they had such a fun time doing it. And they even included all different departments of the hospital. It brightened up my morning a little and made me smile, and I wanted to share with you.
Just to try to help any exasperated MTs out that are hesitant to leave the house for the work field. My stepson has a REAL at-home job and he loves it. He works for a company called New Corp, you can Google that. He works a real 40-hour per week schedule, although you can opt for part-time if you need to supplement MT income. He answers calls and troubleshoots for Direct TV. He also gets the full Direct TV package for free as a benefit of the job. When he answ ...
question below about how to remove a word from spell check. Just wondering why it was moved to the technical board....I need to know specifically how to do this in Docuscribe, which is a MQ program. I guess I should have been more specific. :) ...
Is there anyone out there currently employed with Cardioscribes? I realize that there is some India association but at this point I am so desperate for a job I would take any kind of association with it if they were to offer.
If you are employed with Cardioscribes would you either please email me or just give me some insight on the company before I apply? Platform, pay, benefits, schedule, strictness of the schedules, etc., the usual and anything that you can think of.
I worked for this woman as did at least two others I know of. I am so sorry you gotted tricked by her. She has been doing this sort of thing for a long time. For the longest any post that was posted about her would get deleted, therefore you could not really find out what was going on with her. She has a hablt of using people then making excuses like telling you she is moving, and she is going through a divorce, etc... She owed me and two others money for quite some ...
.......and I keep getting emails asking what my specialties are. I posted all that and it's also in my resume. Makes me wonder if anyone actually reads a resume. ...
Is this really true? I was already on the fence about it....I despise ADHI but at the same time realize having CMT could possibly help find a job and sometimes (rarely) get a CMT diff. Not to mention the test cost $300 whether you pass or not. So now you have to pay to pass the RMT? This can't be true. I mean, if you can pass the CMT you should be able to pass the RMT w/o having to PAY for it. ...
First of all, I apologize for coming across as "gloating." I really didn't mean to do that. I have been working sporadically since February, for a few of the companies that have been mentionned on the company board, and i have posted my experiences with them, U-Scribe being one, Inscribe being one and Mediscribes being another to name a few examples. I am technically "homeless, having lived in a motel since I relocated, but thanks to friends and family, I h ...
personal issues, I am going back to school. Well, I had a job interview for an inhouse position that is perfect for me and I think I got the job!!! I am just so excited!! The bennies are awesome to say the least. I never thought I would be able to work inhouse again since I live in such a rural community. I just stayed persistent and I pray I got it! I need it so much! ...
are paid on production. Does anybody here know anything about this? We have shown them they cant make us lie on timesheets, they have to pay at least minimum wage. Now can we show them they have to calculate our PTO in a more fair fashion? ...
on the Nuance board. It is funny, yet fairly accurate.
Dear Aunt Rose Comma Thank You for the Speech Recognition Software Exclamation Point. BY Eric K. Auld Dear Aunt Rose comma thank you for the speech recognition software exclamation point. This is my first time using it comma but I think I’ve got the hang of it. How’s Uncle Bernie. No. Wait. Backspace. BACKSPACE. Question mark. Huhhhh. Enter. How are you question mark. I’m all right. Had another big sale at the office ...
FN has again posted an ad for editors/speech rec people to work on M-Modal. It appears that people are leaving due to this platform. FN does not appear to have acquired new accounts. See post below about the M-Modal platform and this company.
This used to be a good company to work for. It's the platform that is just terrible and impossible to make a living wage when using it. Your mileage may vary. ...
and actually received any sort of reply? This drives me crazy. I feel like my internet wires are clogged and my applications are not making it past the wall of my room.
of sudden disappear? I see some jobs just have a line through them and are to be removed in short time but some have posted for a very short time then disappear and they look like legitimate positions. ...
.....entitled "Tell us about your stressful job." I'm sure it won't help our cause, but BOY DID IT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD!:
Do some research on medical transcription! It used to be a very respected position, and we were paid a decent wage. Nowadays, with pressure from government to cut costs or lose reimbursement, most facilities have dismissed their transcriptionists and have outsourced to transcription companies that pay transcriptionists a fraction of what we made working for fac ...
By no means am I trying to put anyone down in this profession, new or old; however, MANY years ago, PHONICS were taught in the schools, which was a form of English/spelling -- for example, if the word had an "F" sound to it it might be "PH" or some other form of spelling -- for example "frenulum" you hear the word and it might be spelled "phrenulum" does it fit in a "medical context?" This also comes into play with having the "proper tools" in place -- I have always ...