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LDMTS -- I think not - nn

Posted: Apr 24, 2014

Just had an interview with them.  Nothing was said about $200.  Pay offered was decent 7/3, apparently a lot of ESLs.  However, the KICKER for me was when she said "MONTHLY" pay and that they usually paid the second week of the month.  Being my only support, I cannot live like that and a landlord or bank when payment is due is sure not going to understand that.

Vent over

7/3 - is not decent

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it's pathetic

True it is but... - OP

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Is the monthly pay and being paid "approximately the 10th of the month." Our landlords, creditors etc., do not understand that -- if you have a spouse or a second job, that's fine but otherwise, in this day and age to pay monthly, kind of bordering on insane.

I might add too, that for someone as large as she seems to be with her company, there is just no excuse not to pay at least twice a month.

I just interviewed with her also - sm

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and she wanted a strict schedule as an IC. She wanted me to give her my schedule and she told me she expected me to stick to it. There was pretty much no flexibility and the pay was low and she said she paid once a month. Thanks but no thanks.

Schedule - MT

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I interviewed with her and she does expect you to stick to a schedule. I would too if I was running a business. Don't all companies? Seriously, IC or not, you need to have a schedule because TAT is important. She is flexible though and I am quite sure if something came up all you had to do was notify her. The complaints I see are childish. Actually most IC companies DO require a schedule. You can't just log in whenever you feel like it. They need to know when people are going to work so they know work will get done and if not then they can find someone to cover it. As far as monthly pay goes, what's the big deal about that. All you have to do is budget and not go hog wild and spend your money when you get it so it lasts until your next pay check.
The pay is STANDARD, what almost ALL other companies pay, .03 for SR and .07 for straight. You really aren't going to find much higher than that if at all. It's also 99% SR and if you are productive you can make 14.00+ an hour.

LDMT - Bigsigh

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Between the low pay that is, you're correct only monthly, the overbearing, hypercritical, insane QA, and $200, I didn't last long with this company. Run far and fast.

What $200 - eastercandy

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I don't know why you keep coming up with this $200 bit. I've been working for this company for over 3 years and you DON'T have to pay any out any what whatsoever. The platform she uses is EditScript which you can download off the web.

For those of you who turned her down, she is ALWAYS on time with her pay. There are some nightmare jobs out there, but this isn't one of them.

What $200 Response - OP

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I was the original poster of this thread. I had no problems with anything at all except the fact that she pays MONTHLY, which for a lot of us who only have ONE income, can present a large problem. When she also mentioned that ICs/employees were paid around the 10th, that also raised a red flag because rent is due on the 1st in most places, not the 10th. I don't mind when I get paid, but with my situation of being my sole support, I want to be paid twice a month.
your subject line says 200 response but you still don't explain it. - anon NM
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Take reading comprehension 101 - OP
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I said in my post that NOTHING was mentioned about $200 -- that was brought up by ANOTHER poster -- do you know how to read and comprehend things?

$200 - Bigsigh

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The contract I was required to sign stated a $200 penalty for separation from the company before a specific amount of time worked.
200 - MT
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Yes, if you quit before 90 days and/or without a 14 day notice she will keep 200.00
Regarding the $200.00 - Old Pro
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Why on earth would anybody sign such a contract? Will the MTSO in question sign a similar contract protecting the MT?
finally! someone explains the $200. thank you - anon SM
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She doesn't ask for much tho - just 2 weeks notice to be given as well as a fair shot at the job of 3 months. That's pretty much the common courtesy people everywhere used to give their employers.

Sounds like she's tired of people signing on and jumping ship in 3 days to a week. I'm on the fence about it being taken out of pay - but how else would an employer stop that crap? It probably puts her in a spot with the accounts.

Vicious cycle.

What $200 - eastercandy

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I don't know why you keep coming up with this $200 bit. I've been working for this company for over 3 years and you DON'T have to pay any out any money whatsoever. The platform she uses is EditScript which you can download off the web.

For those of you who turned her down, she is ALWAYS on time with her pay. There are some nightmare jobs out there, but this isn't one of them.

Monthly pay should make no difference - sm

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It does not matter if you are paid monthly, or on what date. Just write the rent check when you get paid, deduct that amount from your balance on paper, and hold it until it is time to pay.

If you don't understand how to do this type of budgeting, take a class in personal finances. There is probably something on the web for free.

My parents taught me how to do this in 3rd grade. If yours didn't, it is not your fault, but do something about this deficiency now so you won't have to live hand to mouth like a day laborer.

To 3rd grader...huge difference in even the cost of bread NOW! - rediculous comment

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Once-a-month paycheck is fine if you work on Wallstreet...not when you live on the street. 6 and 7 cpl and 3 cpl is less than minimum wage, then being an IC and having to pay taxes! Totally should be against our labor laws. You my young dear should take a class in reality.

Reality bites - WXYZ

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Paying once a month is not as "insane" as you may think. I've had jobs where I've been paid monthly and I've had jobs were I've been paid every 2 weeks, both have advantages. For employers, it is obviously easier to pay once a month. As far as your rent, can you explain to your landlord that you don't get paid on the 1st and ask to pay on a different day instead? On credit card payments, it is possible to change your payment date to coincide with your paydays, I've done that several times. I just had to laugh at your comment about this being against labor laws. Park your rent money in an interest bearing account, it's doable if you learn how to budget. Getting paid once a month is really not that bad; you know up front exactly how much you have to work with and can act accordingly. Probably less chance of overspending if you know that your next payday is only 2 weeks away.

I don't find the poster's comments ridiculous at all. sm - jmo

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Getting paid twice a week or twice a month is obviously easier, but the funds should be the same. It just requires a bit more discipline to budget. And for 6/3, I wouldn't mess with it at all. To me, the real problem is such stinking low pay and people willing to accept it. Wages will continue to plummet as long as people keep accepting lower and lower compensation.

Not less than minimum wage - MT

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No, it's not less than minimum wage. You people crack me up. If you can't type 200+ lines per hour at .07 line, you must not have an expander and shortcuts because that will get you 14.00 an hour, not minimum wage. If you can't edit 400+ lines an hour then you need to work on shortcuts and not using your mouse because at .03 per line that will get you 12.00 an hour...also, not minimum wage. It's all about being productive. What YOU do determines YOUR paycheck. I can do that amount and then some. It's possible and a lot of MT's do it. I'm single and raise 2 kids on my income.
You are absolutely wrong. - anon
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It depends on the company and their VR program - how accurate it is, how many corrections need to be made in a sentence, how many accounts an MT is assigned, how many pages of account specifics need to be reviewed before every single report, how many unpaid demographics, CCs, etc. need to be added, how much QA nitpicks and causes over-editing. I worked for years at a great company where I averaged 450 cpl. Fast-forward to M*Modal and my average on a good day was 200 (with 28 primary accounts). In fact, the company average was 186 lph. You are out of touch with the reality of others' situations.
Thank You Anon! (sm) - Rose
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I read the post you responded to in amazement that thinking the poster must not have more experience than working for one company, on one platform!
Platforms - MT
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I have worked several platforms for a few companies throughout my career as an MT so I know there are some that truly suck! I also worked as an MT back in the day before all these platforms and it was typed on computer listening to cassettes. I am just saying it can be done once you find the right fit. The pay is standard and that's that and has been for years.
I thought the same thing too. - anon
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This is the same poster who said "SR has always paid .03-.04 ALWAYS." They also insist 7-8 has been the norm for years. To insist that shows not a lot of familiarity with the industry.

Again, simply NOT TRUE. I have never worked for 3 cpl, as I stated below. Up until 2011, I was paid 8.25 straight (weekends 9.25) and VR at 6 cpl (7 weekends. Since then, I've worked for two other companies - both that paid 5 cpl for VR (one also paid incentive bonuses). I for one could not make a living on 3 cpl. I don't know how anyone could unless they average consistently 500 lph.
Not out of touch - MT
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If you read my PREVIOUS comments, I said if you find a good company with good accounts. I am not out of touch. I have been in this business for quite a long time and I know what's out there. My point is that IT can be done. I do it and so do a lot of others.
No, what you said was... - anon
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basically any MT not making a good wage "crack you up" and they simply need to "work on shortcuts". You also responded to one MT to "get out of the business" because "SR has always paid .03-.04 ALWAYS."

You haven't had the experience/decades in the business that others here do, because that is simply not true. I've never worked for less than 5 cpl but know that 4 cpl is now the average. But 3 cpl? No thank you. It has NOT "always been the norm". My last job paid 9 and 5 and yes, I had MANY shortcuts (I use IT) with minimal use of their mouse, but their platform and unpaid demands made it impossible to make money. Thankfully, I now work at a company with straight typing for 8 cpl with a good platform.

In reply to your what I consider to be "snide" comments - OP

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For one thing, this would be fine IF and this is a big IF you had yet another source of income while starting with this company. She stated yesterday during the interview that she would be interviewing for the next two weeks, which means approximately May 8th is when she would be making her decision.

Okay, I get hired and I start working on May 10th. I won't get a check to my way of thinking until HOPEFULLY June 10th. That is according to my calculations six weeks with NO income.

With my former company, I started working the day after the pay period started, Invoice was submitted on or around the 25th and I was paid approximately 3 days later -- BIG difference!

Snide? - WXYZ

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I don't know who you think is being "snide." You'd be surprised how many landlords are willing to work with tenants if they have rented from them for a while and have a positive rent paying history. Where I live, rent is due on the 1st but they give us until the 5th before we are considered late. Talk to your landlord. Ask about paying on the 15th instead of the first. If they understand your situation they may be fine with that. Another thing you might be able to do, pay half on the 1st and half on the 15th if you have to do that. Most creditors let customers choose their payment dates. I know this is true because I've done it more than once with credit cards to coincide with my pay days. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's not her fault you don't have money set aside to cover your rent for the first pay period. I'm guessing that she pays on the 10th after her clients pay her. Anyone who is single with no second income (myself included) have had to do some creative financing from time to time. Hopefully you'll be able to figure it out.
once over the first hump of waiting for that first check, - monthly is simple. sm
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When I did it - I put half in savings half in checking. pay the bills and live off the checking. At 2 weeks - slide the second half from savings to checking and repeat monthly.

It's a hassle but you learn to regulate your spending before dipping in too far with that paycheck...long wait for the next. Eventually you can stop splitting and keep it all together.

But that initial hump - that's the hardest. Or even if a company holds back one check on a bimonthly setup, or say you start the 2nd week of the pay period and your first checks is only one week's pay. Screwed if you live check to check (and who can get that far ahead in transcription?) This is why I never let go of one job until the other is on a roll. Best I can anyway.

bottom line is - you are getting the same amount either once or twice a month. You have to adjust yourself, change your way of thinking and live with it if that's how they do it.

No way! - MEMT

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I have been doing voice wreck for over 8 years now and 0.03/line is insanely low, especially on a high ESL account. I have been an MT for many, many years and you just can't make a living with that line rate, even IF you can reach the 400/LPH. I think this is laughable. We are professionals and worth a heck of a lot more than $12/hour, which is on a good day! Thanks, but no thanks!

Change careers then - MT

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If it's that bad for you then change careers. I have been doing MT at home for 14 years and SR has always paid .03-.04 ALWAYS. Straight typing has been .07-.08 for the past 8+ years also so I don't know why everyone acts so shocked at the pay. I worked as an MT also way back when there were no platforms and cassettes were used. I'm not saying we aren't worth more, just saying people CAN make more than minimum wage since so many are crying about only making crumbs. No one ever said one would get rich being an MT.

I agree with MEMT. 3 cpl IS extremely low. - anon

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I've been in the business for 30 years. was offered 3 cpl once but declined it as too low. You'd have to average 500 lph to make $15 an hour.

Over the years, with VR, I was paid 6 cpl (7 cpl weekend differential) up until 2011, then 5 cpl + incentive with another company, and then 5 cpl with M*Modal. Now I work for a company doing straight. There is no way I could afford to work for 3 cpl.

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