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How does a company know if you use satellite - anonymouse

Posted: Nov 22, 2011

Many companies specify no satellite. Is this uncompatible with their system or do they just prefer no satellite so say no satellite? I mean how do they really know or not if you have it? Have you thought of that. I mean some companies that use Escription say you can use satellite and some say no you can't. If they are using the same platform how can it work with one company and not the other?

Easy. Your IP address will show. Also, if they test your upload/download speed - see message

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...during tech setup etc.

It also does not have to do with... Sm - Old Woman

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whether satellite will work with their platform or not so much as it has to do with the "opinion" that satellite does not provide as secure a transmission as cable or DSL. Another issue with satellite is that it tends not to work so well in rainy or snowy weather conditions. It can be rather fickle, and MTSOs want their MTs on and working when they are scheduled to work in order to meet TAT. I worked for years on a satellite, and, for the most part, it worked pretty well with most platforms. However, if it was really overcast and rainy or snowing, it did not work.

Satellite - TranscendMT

[ In Reply To ..]
Satellite isn't an always on connection and is much slower than cable. If the company in question needs a fast connection and one that is stable, you will have trouble uploading/downloading work. And you can pretty much forget it while it's snowing or raining.

I have used both, recently moved and have cable again. My production is higher because speed is better and I don't get the errors I had before when trying to send/receive work.

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