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As an IC, is it really an option to get paid on time? - Notsure

Posted: Nov 05, 2009

I'm just curious. I have worked as an IC and an employee. With the last job I took as an IC, I remember in the interview the woman speaking with me said "and the woman you'll be working for always pays on time." At the time, I thought that was rather odd. I mean, why would someone need to say that? Of course I get paid on time. Just like they expect their work done on time. Well it was a huge red flag that I ignored, because then on 4 different occasions over the next 10 months I didn't get paid on time. There was some "computer glitch" and I did not get paid on the day my direct deposit was supposed to go in. (BS of course). But I'm just wondering, as an IC, is it really a matter of worrying about if you'll get paid on time? Anyone out there experienced problems because they were a contractor?

My experience... - onemore

[ In Reply To ..]
My experience has been, when a "subcontractor" for a company, you tend to be paid on a "payday", but as a "contractor" with your own physicians, attorneys, etc. you tend to get it when you state due when you submit an invoice. For example, I usually give 30 days to pay. My problem is that with the attorneys I have done work for, I have to send collection notices many times. How do you fight an attorney? :)

Yeah, I have been both.... - Notsure

[ In Reply To ..]
You're right, there is a distinction. To clarify, I should have said "subcontractor." I have contracted certain physician offices as well and I just hand them the bill and stand and wait for them to cut me a check, lol. I guess my shock was that I was a subcontractor, and we had "paydays" and, personally, I live paycheck to paycheck. So when my check is not in the bank, 9 times out of 10 there is a bill due that needs to be paid and it really causes a problem for me. Now, if I were independently wealthy of course it would make no difference, I mean what's a couple days' late right? But imagine if as I subcontractor they assigned me work, I promised to get it turned out in 24 hours, and then didn't get it out for 72 hours? LOL. Yeah, an extra 2 days would really put them up the creek. Thanks for your reply :)

ic pay - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
The only time I've ever had problems getting paid was when I contracted for a single doctor practice. He had 2 nurses and 2 secretaries BUT his daughter did all the accounting stuff. She was very sporadic at coming and going and always worked from home. I would submit my invoice and a lot of times not get paid for 2+ weeks and then only after almost daily phone calls. Of course, the doc wasn't much better with his dictations. I would go stretches with nothing and then all of a sudden have up to a month of dictation to pickup and get done ASAP. I don't work weekends or holidays, so this IC position didn't last long. I was very happy when we parted ways.

Now back to the subject at hand, Other than the above situation, I've always gotten paid within 5 working days of submitting my invoice. Most of the time I'm paid the day after.

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