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All these acquisitions? - BTDT Nervous Nellie

Posted: Sep 16, 2011

Let us see...

The Q bought JLG and AllType

Nuance bought WebmedX

Between Nuance and MQ we are going to have 2 companies with 90% of the accounts, fighting to be "competitive" and that means trying to out do one another cutting pay and benefits, using progressively worsening platforms, making it more difficult to earn a living.  You can't work more hours, that is against the law.  Monopolies like this should also be illegal.  There is no competition now, a couple of companies will call all the shots. 

There was almost nothing worse for this industry than the appearance of the Q, that is until Nuance bought Focus with their long-standing focus on offshore MTs.  They have managed to turn a brilliant and luractive industry, made up of trained professionals, into a sweatshop for typists. 

None of this bodes well for the career MT who cares about her work, her accuracy, her knowledge and her speed.  No company truly cares about accuracy anymore, it is lip service when you have MTs with 2-3 years of experience as QA people (I know one company whose QA supervisor has never been an MT, and she is in there "doing" the job).  These people have very little knowledge of terminology, platforms, grammar and punctuation, so the idea of accuracy is anyone's guess.  The focus is on production, production, PRODUCTION and the company's needs.  We, the MTs don't count for much.

I guess it is true that slaves can't be fired, they have to be BOUGHT.  Guess what the Q and Nuance have been doing?  Slave trading.

slave trading.. - Former MT

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Totally and completely well put. Wishing there was some way for someone with authority to DO something about this. The Q is just plain evil!!! I miss being an MT, but will never dare to even think about it with the Q lurking, and waiting to pounce. I just couldn't go through another acquisition and the discouragement that followed....

Former MT - Former MT2

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I got beaten up pretty badly by the Q, too. I don't know if it is okay to say this on this board (mod, go ahead and remove it if you feel it is not appropriate), but I am a Christian and I am really comforted to know that one day the big cheeses at MQ will have to stand before the Lord and answer for what they did. They literally ruined lives. They came mighty near to ruining me and my family. Like you, I made a decision to leave MT. I hope all is well with you and all others who were harmed by these evil people.

The Q - SassyMT

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I avoided this company for a few years, ignoring their postcards for me to test with them and the sign-on bonuses, only to have my company be bought by them. I'd like to be optimistic and believe that what I've heard isn't 100% true but it's kind of hard not to believe most of it when one of your friends is a former employee of theirs who was caught in that law suit with them not paying MTs, only to be offered a book or something as settlement so I'm basically going to wait for the squeeze and I guess I'll get popped like a pimple LOL. I can't even stress over the situation. I don't have the energy. I'm just relieved they aren't my only job. It would be nice if these services would realize that happy employees are productive employees that want to work and those aren't happy do just enough to get by without being fired. I'm wishing myself as well as others luck.

"Happy employees are productive employees." - MTGuy

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I so agree with that line. From what I've heard companies like Microsoft and Google are great companies to work for as they do realize the value of keeping their employees happy. That is why those companies will be around when MedQuist is but an unpleasant memory in the near future.

...and yet 1 more reason why "credentialling" is a joke! - n/m - Meerkat

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The only people "credentialing" helps - Old Pro

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are the fat cats at MQ who know how to schmooze AHDI.

LOL! - Laughing

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So true. Thanks for my laugh for the morning.

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