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Physician Smart/Coded Notes - Me

Posted: Jan 23rd, 2025 - 12:27 pm In Reply to: Physician Smart - Are they hiring

Very hard to find info about them. I do know working there can be tedious. You are expected to work like you are an EMPLOYEE and not an IC. At the end of the month you are TOLD you have to work until all of your Provider's work is completed. No extra incentive for this. Some days would work 12-14 hours just to get my providers done in TAT and if not they put your name on a LIST and send it to everyone, i.e., how many are not completed and then tell everyone if they want your work to take it. AWFUL!!! The one good thing is if you have a meeting they pay you for the time spent in the meeting. . . otherwise a BIG thumbs down!!!!!


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