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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: The last posts were an abomination.. (Views: 57)

I know what you mean - MT no longer

Posted: Oct 29th, 2024 - 4:54 am In Reply to: MTStars - Gone for a year

I was in the field for over 35 years because I LOVED it (and still love researching and learning terminology, just in a different field now) even though I saw the pay get cut to a quarter of what it was when I started. Crazy to think now I still was OK with that. My last role was this year in a supervisory position I'd held for over a decade, so it was such a slap in the face when the company let the employees go to transition to IC. I needed that, though, in a way, as a wake-up. Now I write newsletters and blog posts for clients in a technology niche that was my hobby, and I am VERY grateful for that. I do miss not being able to use all our medical knowledge, however. I'm thinking we should be able to parlay that into proofreading, copy editing, etc. for research organizations, medical magazines, websites, etc.


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  • MTStars - Gone for a year (Views: 979, 2024-10-27, 3:31 pm)
    • I know what you mean - MT no longer