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Looking for MT work - Nothing here

Posted: Oct 23rd, 2024 - 5:29 pm In Reply to: Non-MT Work? - JC

There hasn't been anything posted here worthwhile for months. This site is all but dead. MT work all but destroyed me and I am kicking myself for not getting out years ago. I used Indeed and found jobs, but there aren't any MT jobs.

If you go to their websites, you can apply but chances are you won't hear back and don't fall for taking a test, that is a waste of your time.

I would strongly encourage you to look for something besides MT work, but like so many who come on here and tell us what great jobs they have and even if they do, they are far and few between and I would bet they don't work for any of the companies that pay 4 cpl and it is all VR.

Good luck.


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