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NOW TX transcriptionist - Loni

Posted: Jul 8th, 2024 - 6:03 am In Reply to: Yes, I did - TiredMT

NOW TX is an amazing company to work for. I was previously a QAS for Nuance which transitioned into Deliver Health and I was using all my PTO for wages, not a good look for either company. NOW Tx saved my financial future. I'm sorry you felt like you had to jump through hoops by test taking but they are an amazing company with amazing people who TRULY CARE which is a rarity in this industry. I have been an MT with them now for 2 years. I have been an MT for 35 years and they are the first company I have worked for since I left the hospital to work at home that truly does care about you as a person not just a machine to make their pockets fuller. No VR, lots of normals (for radiology), and straight good ole transcription. Just saying don't count them out if you are interested just be patient, they are I am sure receiving a lot of emails as they were when I was hired. Just my two pennies.


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