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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Arrendale British Account Speech Rec - Bamboozled

Posted: May 7th, 2024 - 10:35 am In Reply to: Arrendale - AJMRN

Thanks for your reply. On the interview, when she mentioned the platform has speech rec capabilities, I got a gut feeling it was going to be the bait and switch like Keystrokes did to me. Get you in under the guise of straight transcription and then switch it up fast. Especially with her not showing up 3 times when scheduling interview and also the platform install. If you get treated like your time doesn't matter, you do not as an employee or IC matter to a company who does not respect you.


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    • Arrendale - AJMRN (Views: 296, 2024-05-05, 7:23 pm)
      • Arrendale British Account Speech Rec - Bamboozled