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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

GMR - I had a bad feeling

Posted: May 5th, 2024 - 6:55 pm In Reply to: GMR Transcription - WornOutMT

about this company as well. I did apply, but couldn't open up the test and signed off and then received an email stating I failed the test. Good!

I am with you; they all suck and there is no point in applying any longer for these horrible companies.


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  • GMR Transcription - WornOutMT (Views: 873, 2024-05-05, 4:34 pm)
    • GMR - I had a bad feeling
      • GMR - They expect a lot (Views: 463, 2024-05-06, 11:11 am)
        • GMR - Gone (Views: 371, 2024-05-08, 9:42 pm)