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I got this email,.too! - NCMT

Posted: Feb 4th, 2024 - 9:08 pm In Reply to: Please be aware of this SCAM! - Tara Slang

I got this same email. Researched the company name and the scammer really was trying hard! He listed the actual company's physical address, but the email for the scammer had 3 letters added to the email address so I knew it was a fake. Not to mention I'd not applied to this company! UGH!! What is up with these mean-natured groups??


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Complete Discussion Below: ( marks the location of current message within thread)
  • Please be aware of this SCAM! - Tara Slang (Views: 1595, 2024-01-25, 5:33 pm)
    • SCAM - pt mom (Views: 1085, 2024-01-25, 10:55 pm)
      • SCAM - Tara (Views: 911, 2024-01-25, 11:03 pm)
    • I got this email,.too! - NCMT