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I have responded to two specifically on LinkedIN - Both were legit jobs and I

Posted: Dec 2nd, 2023 - 11:17 am In Reply to: Anyone ever apply to these jobs sites like LinkedIn - Indeed

interviewed with both, and was offered a position with both. One of them had posted the wrong hourly rate, which they did not honor -- so goodbye to them.

The second one hired me on the spot, gave me a start date, and said they would get all my new hire paperwork to me ASAP. Met all the owners, toured the facility, met the docs I would be working with. With no explanation at all, after hiring me, they ghosted me. It was a pathology company that has just listed a posting on LinkedIn today. I think I dodged a bullet there -- ever since my encounter with them, they have had a big turnover in the position I was offered. This recent ad is the third or fourth time for this job in less than two years -- so what does that tell you.

Strange thing is -- after they pulled the BS on me they did, when they needed someone for that position a few months later after another hire bailed on them, they actually had the balls to call me to see if I would be interested!!! I'm sure you can imagine what I told them.

Had they followed through on my original hire, I would probably still be there; so it was there loss, not mine.

I moved on from that debacle to a job I love. Everything happens for a reason.


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