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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Job ads for evenings/nights as IC. Yeah sure. - ss

Posted: Sep 15th, 2023 - 9:16 am

Seems like people accept these positions where they are needed for evenings/nights and then they work whenever they darn well please.  Company I work for at one time posted for new hires that were hired specifically for eves/nights to please return to their slotted times after training.  Didn't make a lot of difference, seems like they pretty much float back to day shift.  I know IQ positions shouldn't have  set schedule, but a time frame of availability couldn't hurt.  Too bad they can't set your pooling up for like a 12 hour time frame and you have to have special assigned if they need you to work more outside of that.

Just grumpy today, sorry for venting.


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