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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Jaded - No you are not

Posted: Sep 16th, 2023 - 1:40 pm In Reply to: I wish I felt more sympathy - Perhaps I am jaded

This job, and I use the term loosely, because you are supposed to be treated fairly, paid a decent wage, have some sort of benefits and holiday pay, etc., has made the few remaining MTs hunters. They need work, the want work and are given next to nothing and work that is almost impossible to do because of the ESLs. Also, lest not forget all the free demographic work that is expected and even if you are hired to work evenings/nights, there probably isn't any work anyway. I don't blame anyone looking out for themselves because these companies are rotten and greedy and could care less about you. They are pure evil.


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