So you can type real fast but... - ItsJoe Posted: Jun 6th, 2023 - 1:59 pm
Ok so we all know the average typing speed is something like 4x the time time of the dictation (so 4 mins typing for 1 min of dictation).
BUT what I really want to know is: How long does it take you from receiving the work, proofing it, and sending it back?? You know, all the stuff in between.
How long does it REALLY take?! I don't want to know how long it takes to type it. I want to know how long the ENTIRE process takes from receiving it to sending it back!
I am in school for this and I would love to know this!
Please don't comment any negative things about this feild of work. There is a TON of available work where I am from and there is also no need to add unhelpful and unnecessary responses.
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