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For medical, I average 25 to 30 minutes of dictation in an hour - sm

Posted: Jun 8th, 2023 - 7:50 am In Reply to: So you can type real fast but... - ItsJoe

It also depends on who is dictating, ESL, crappy fast talking so and so, then there is more time spent trying to understand the so and so. For legal, it's probably cut in half because you never know who you're going to get in a deposition and you don't have the luxury of having heard the people over and over again to understand what they might be saying. There are other various reasons for taking more time for legal, such as more than one speaker. The court reporter is coughing in the background and you're spending as much time as you can trying to pick up a word. They also talk over each other and you're spending time there trying to pick up a word or two. Whether it's medical or legal, the amount of time spent transcribing it always depends on the quality of the voice file. If the voice file sucks, it's going to add time to your typing speed. Your shortcuts keys are going to be your best bet for picking up speed. The more you have, the more you can type. I have operative reports, procedure notes and such in my shortcuts, so it's a matter of editing those jobs and not actually typing the entire thing, which means I've picked up my speed. Each of us is going to be different from the next, so I'm not sure there is truly an answer as to how long it REALLY takes, but most days, I'm doing 25 to 30 minutes in an hour, if there is actually 25 to 30 minutes sitting on the system for me to type in that hour.


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  • So you can type real fast but... - ItsJoe (Views: 922, 2023-06-06, 1:59 pm)
    • To Joe - It depends (Views: 581, 2023-06-06, 2:55 pm)
    • For medical, I average 25 to 30 minutes of dictation in an hour - sm