To Tt who posted on job board - readyourpost Posted: May 26th, 2023 - 1:19 pm
To the person named Tt who posted on the job board referring to the multiple postings by the same company where they send a "resume and follow-ups" and never hear back. Please read your post. There is missing punctuation and incorrect punctuation. You have run on sentences. Perhaps these things are happening in your e-mails or cover letters and they pass on you before they even look at your resume. I would re-read your resume and update it. Many companies use a computer AI program to sort through resumes looking for key words. Check over your resume and verify you have some of those in yours. For example: team, motivated, efficient, reliable, transcriptionist, whichever specialty you are applying for, etc. Do not have more than 15 years' worth of jobs listed and do not list years or dates you attended/graduated college/high school so as not to age yourself. Don't use double spaces after a period. Reread your e-mails 2-3 times before sending or replying to potential employers to verify there were no mistakes or missing words. If your resume is many years old and hasn't been updated much, check out the current resume templates on Microsoft Word and find something that is more noticeable than what you are currently using. Use bullet points for job duties, skills, or hardware/software you are proficient with.
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