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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Transcription not a good job - Karen Demoranville

Posted: May 17th, 2023 - 5:49 am In Reply to: QMEDET - Sadie

They don't need MTs anymore so they are abusing those that remain. Someone told me that medical reports done by AI or whatever they are using are horrible, misspelling, inaccurate, etc, but they are holding MTs to perfection for something that doesn't even matter, so abuse. Worked at Noladat for several years, no accounts. Worked at precision for a few weeks and only got reports that had terrible dictators and QA got corrections wrong, probably under pressure too. After 20 years, I can't do it anymore. They will have inaccurate reports but they don't seem to care as long as they are following the plan and cutting out humans. I'm building a bee business and I'd rather get a bee sting once in a while than do this crap. They are getting rid of human workers everywhere. Everyone needs to find work where they can't replace us.good luck everyone!


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