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Company Board

It's ridiculous - Ugh

Posted: Oct 30th, 2019 - 9:31 am In Reply to: New to Precision. Anyone else overwhelmed with msg board - nonsense posted? Is it always

People running from account to account, checking in, checking out, "I'm not cherry picking, I had to abandon that report," "I love y'all so much," "God has great plans for me," "have to get get the kids from school, be back soon, I promise!"

Seriously, and on a company communication board, no less. And, I agree with the other poster that there is no way I'm checking in and out on a message board when I'm an IC. I quit checking it a while back when someone posted all of their physical ailments and asked for prayers. If they need me, they can find me. Otherwise, that slack board stays closed on my end.


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