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Slack smack - Turned it off

Posted: Oct 29th, 2019 - 7:45 pm In Reply to: You're an IC ... you don't HAVE to do anything - sm

When I took this job about 3 months ago, I too had all those stupid messages. These supervisors or whatever you want to call them are the Instagram generation and they love this stuff. They are the kind that post where the are having lunch some place and what they had with a picture of it no less!

I finally turned it off as it never pertained to me and I have sent a few emails with questions to K and never rec'd an answer, so do they think I am going to check Slack??????

Also I just work, when I want because I am an IC. I took it as supplemental and I am not about to get caught up in the drama of being an MT with these MTSOs who make such outrageous promises (like 2 hour TAT), it isn't even funny.

Just do your job and don't bother with Slack.


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