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The RTAA is an allowance that may bridge the - difference between pre-layoff and post-layoff

Posted: Sep 17th, 2018 - 5:22 pm In Reply to: TAA - LaidOffMT

To be honest, it's not like I was making great money before, but my hourly rate was not bad at the end due to the fact if you only work an hour or two with big gaps between, naturally it is easier to get better production.

So I intend to apply for that too, but I just began with my IC job and of course it's not great right now but I will have to wait a month to see (and show them) how much I make and perhaps I can get the allowance until I am up to speed (if ever).

I am pretty sure I don't want retraining either because I am near retirement age and cannot think of anything I would like to retrain in that would get me a job. I am not great on selling myself. I considered web design which I find really interesting, but I live in a rural and relatively poor area without many people, and even online I think I'd find it hard to get clients. Also, I think every 10-year-old nowadays grows up doing coding and web design as second nature.

You should check out the RTAA. I have not yet applied but I think it may help me and I also found out today it probably will not count as income.

I have been told to apply myself (it is a pretty straightforward form which is through your state DOL), which I will do once I get my first paycheck and can submit pay info.

The other things they can do is assistance to get to job interviews and relocation assistance, but while I have looked at on-site MT jobs with interest, would you really relocate anywhere to find in a year or two they decided to go with Nuance or MModal? I am not willing to chance that frankly.

There is also the HCTC which will give you a tax break (72.5%) for health care insurance but there are a few things it hinges on, like you can't have ACA coverage (which may actually be cheaper with the subsidies than the 72.5% credit in the long run) and if you get coverage through a spouse's insurance you can claim but only if their employer pays less than half of their premium, not sure what the norm is for that.

From the below webpage link (re specifically the RTAA):

Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)

These benefits are available if you are age 50 or older and you do not earn more than $50,000 annually in your new employment. If you qualify, participation in RTAA allows you to receive a wage supplement when you accept new employment at a lower wage.

RTAA payments may total 50% of the difference between your old and new wages, with a maximum of $10,000 paid over a period of up to two years. If you are receiving RTAA, you also are entitled to receive employment and case management services and are eligible to apply for HCTC, and you may be eligible to enroll in TAA-approved training.
Workers may qualify for RTAA when working part-time, employed at least 20 hours a week, and participating in a TAA-approved training program.

You may choose between receiving TRA or RTAA (even if you have received some TRA payments), but you may not receive both payments concurrently or receive TRA after receiving a wage supplement.

LINK/URL: The RTAA is an allowance that may bridge the


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