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I believe their gut reaction was damage control fearing - everyone would jump ship for the other

Posted: Jul 4th, 2017 - 10:35 am In Reply to: It seems since the initial do not worry you will be paid - they are backpedaling now and restricting

companies taking over their accounts. They may have come to the realization that when all is said and done they aren't going to need everyone with loss of accounts, reduced work, etc. and may now actually being between the lines encouraging us to jump ship on our own so they don't have to pay unemployment if it comes to that. That, or as usual, their initial gut reaction without thinking it out. Emails from OMs not so "sympathetic" as to pay situation now and more abrupt. What do they care how anxious this situation is for most of us since they know what their pay will be regardless. Sad situation however you look at it and I think everyone needs to realistically start looking at an alternative plan.


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