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Left on the table - LDSMT

Posted: Nov 11th, 2016 - 12:01 am In Reply to: Hi LDSMT - Wondering

I used to get just the reports like you, but my new HDSM doesn't do those and told me about these reports that were only sent to MTs not meeting metrics. I expressed interest so I now get them also. They have the columns listed down below.

It shows the difference between time in teamwork and time in fluency and lph in fluency versus lph when figured against time in teamwork, the difference being what was "left on the table."

If you do 250 lph in Fluency, but have more time in Teamwork such that your lph is only 165, then you have left 85 lph on the table, which is money you had the potential to earn but didn't.

The goal of course is to have as little time difference between the two as possible. It is quite eye opening to see what you are leaving behind, and seeing it daily has helped me to work more efficiently and raise my overall lph.

Total Teamwork Production Hours
Total Fluency Time in Hours
Teamwork/Fluency Difference
Weighted Prod Lines per Hour (TmWrk)
Weighted Production LPH (Fluency)
% Increase
% Fluency Jobs w/Blanks - 10% or Less
Weighted Prod Lines
QA Submission Lines
QA Submission Rate - 5% or Less
% Pause Time - 15% or Less
Audited Jobs (Prod)
Avg Accuracy Score


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