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Hi LDSMT - Wondering

Posted: Nov 10th, 2016 - 10:34 pm In Reply to: I like them - LDSMT

what "on the table" emails you guys are getting? My team does not get those. For awhile we were getting a monthly performance metrics update that listed out all the metrics they measure and where we stand - everything from blanks to inactive time to team work versus inactive time, etc, the latter being the bane of my existence lately. : )

I too am always up for new ways to challenge myself but some of the metrics just annoy me to no end, especially the monitoring of inactive time!! It is a pet peeve of mine, mainly because it is so false. I only have inactive time because I am researching, i.e., Googling or looking through a database, or uploading and waiting for the ridiculous feedback (mostly) from DocuCheck.

Anyway, what is "on the table?" What do you mean by "leaving on the table?"


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