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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 56)

My 2 cents. - Planning my escape from N. sm

Posted: Oct 9th, 2016 - 3:04 pm In Reply to: Reply - Rusty

Rusty, if you stay at MM, you KNOW things will most likely not get any better. At least elsewhere there is a chance for something better and you will not know if you don't try.

You are not being exiled from MTing. If you get the job and it is even worse than MM, either try to go back to MM (shudder) or try another company.

As for the interview, consider it practice. It is NOT a waste of your time, and the interviewer is getting paid to do their job. Also, you never know what might happen. I once applied for a job that I was way underqualified for. The interviewer told me so, but passed my resume to another department, who interviewed me later and I had 5 wonderful years with them until I moved out of state. Yes, ageism is real but, again, is there any harm in trying?

Best of luck to you, and everyone else trying to get out.


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