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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 55)

Rusty - sm

Posted: Oct 6th, 2016 - 2:26 pm In Reply to: Hugs to everyone - OP

I do not know how long you have been at MM, but it takes a certain mental toll on you in ways you may not even realize. It can make you have low self-esteem. It can make you paranoid. It can cause stress and sleepless nights. A person can be insulted, threatened and degraded for only so long and then you are totally burned out.

I left MM earlier this year. I cannot believe the difference it has made in my life. I am still an MT but I am no longer insulted or threatened. I am told that I am appreciated. I am not watched for inactive time. I am not threatened with PM. I can ask questions of QA and get very polite help and they actually try to help me as much as they can. Sup answers every e-mail. I get paid for downtime. An increased number of reports to QA must mean something is wrong with the dictator!!!!

OMG, I am happy again. I like my work. I sleep so much better at night. I do not actually dread logging on any more to start my shift.

I understand your hesitation about an interview to switch to the SOS. I so hope you get this job. When you do, it will take a while to settle in after training. Then in a week or 2, you will ask yourself why you do not do this sooner and wonder why you ever put up with MM. You will actually enjoy your life and your job again. Much, much luck to you. You will not be sorry.


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