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Ironic though that it wasn't technology that replaced MT - It was supposed to but

Posted: Aug 28th, 2016 - 3:23 pm In Reply to: According to the news, about 50-65% of the workforce will be out of work soon - LuckyMT

The VR technology has never been reliable and so we have doctors dictating and never knowing that the VR report is horribly wrong and MTs are redoing the whole thing. MT didn't go anywhere. It was renamed "editing" to promote the belief that the corrections are minimal, which is not the case. So did technology replace us? No. What is responsible by the death of the MT industry is the low pay for editing that wasn't supposed to impact us negatively because we would be zipping through reports. That promise never materialized and neither did the previous pay rate.

Technology didn't replace our field - We were led to believe that our pay wouldn't change even with the extreme cuts because the reports could be processed faster. VR didn't live up to expectations and prior pay was never restored. Workers cannot afford to keep working for a fraction of what they are worth.


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