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According to the news, about 50-65% of the workforce will be out of work soon - LuckyMT

Posted: Aug 28th, 2016 - 6:41 am In Reply to: Dolly Parton complaining how technology has ruined the music business - Old MT

due to automation/technology. This will include not only blue-collar, but white-collar workers, so when these people start losing jobs and income, it will be noticed. We as MTs just never did find our voices...Dolly has a voice. I just think it is too little too late now.

We need to find a way to make people significant after we become insignificant. Read that about 45 years ago written by an American Indian "...how will man survive his own insignificance."

Of course, do not mean to sound so dark - probably not in our lifetime, but our children and their children, well, they are going to have a tough time. A few people will hoard the money and the rest will be just servants.

It was so important for us to stand together a long time ago as a profession and we failed.

My opinion anyway...


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