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Dear Nuance: - MT POCKETS

Posted: Jun 1st, 2016 - 11:36 am

Unscrupulous:  Look it up in your Indian to English dictionary if you must.  YOU are in a class(less) group all by yourselves.  You pit QA against MLS with your efffed up FIESA nightmare and use every likely illegal and certainly amoral trick to your advantage  for the sole purpose of cutting the wages of hard-working folks who have earned the RIGHT to be treated with respect.  I lasted barely over a year before my constant headaches and nightmares demanded my exit.  I was never made to feel so inept before...ever...even in the infancy of this so-called career when I had so much to learn and was lucky enough to have a mentor to guide me and teach me some tricks.  While I don't necessarily believe in Karma, I sure wish it existed and I would love to be driving the Karma bus over the ones who tried but did not succeed in annihiliating my self-esteem and sense of professional self-worth.  I was lied to by my TSM and her boss, and I suppose it is easier to lie when one doesn't have to look another person in the eye, but YOU know you lied and I hope you have no trouble sleeping at night.  When I left (without notice on a busy Friday :D ), I slept that night...like a baby.  Keep doing what you are doing because God knows your profits are more important than the patients and your salaries are more important than the single mom who just wants to feed her kids or the senior who is just trying to make ends meet.  May God have mercy on your soul if Karma doesn't smack you upside the head before then.  I HATE your practices and your relative lack of respect for others and I would rather shovel s*it than put up with your delusions of grandiosity.

My prayer is that you go down in flames and when it happens, all the ones responsiblle for your ridiculous policies don't have any warning.  What goes around, comes around.


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  • Dear Nuance: - MT POCKETS (Views: 1031, 2016-06-01, 11:36 am)
    • Dear Nuance - Send this post to corporate (Views: 697, 2016-06-01, 5:46 pm)