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A timely post for me. - Another working on an escape plan. sm

Posted: Jun 1st, 2016 - 4:26 pm In Reply to: Dear Nuance: - MT POCKETS

Recently returned from a short trip with a friend. Friend works for a large, well-known corp. She, along with about 50 others, won an employee award. They were treated to a 3-day, most-expenses paid trip. She took me along (guests' airfare also paid for.) Company paid for the $300/night hotel; most meals and drinks paid for; a swanky cocktail party 1 night; a tour of choice; $200 gift card for the winners plus a gift left in the room every day (one was a $100+ headset!). Most impressive to me, though, were the speeches. The execs repeatedly expressed their appreciation for their employees, both the winners attending and their coworkers left behind (but still valued), and the family and friends of the winners because of our support. This company made me feel special so many times--me, an unknown entity to them.

What an eye-opening trip. There are still companies out there that treat their employees well! In addition to the above, her company gives yearly pay increases, a holiday dinner, and yearly meet-and-greet with the executives. This company is located in several cities and each office is treated alike.

Then I came home, saw that I made state's min wage, checked the work e-mails and it is mostly 'here is what you/the team did wrong...we need to improve on...' Sigh. If not for taking care of an elderly parent financially, I would follow your lead, MT Pockets, and just go. Best of luck to you (and the rest of us trying to get away).


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  • Dear Nuance: - MT POCKETS (Views: 1031, 2016-06-01, 11:36 am)
    • A timely post for me. - Another working on an escape plan. sm
    • Dear Nuance - Send this post to corporate (Views: 697, 2016-06-01, 5:46 pm)