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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

This Place is like Nazi Germany - Anonymous

Posted: Nov 18th, 2015 - 3:09 pm

I swear to God I get an e-mail just about every day getting yelled at by my HDSM or my PC. I have tried and tried to do exactly what they want but I feel like it is never good enough.  I was making one mistake over and over, and I understand that so I figured out what the problem was and I corrected it.  Now, I accidentally made this mistake once on a rare occasion and I recieved a nasty e-mail about it saying if it contiues to be a problem I will be turned over to performance mangement.  Never do they say, "hey thanks for getting that situated and trying to fix your mistake." Nope.  Always negative e-mails.  This place is full of rude people who do not recognize your efforts at all.  I am semi new so maybe not all HDSMs are like that, I don't know.


Okay, vent over. Embarassed 


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