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undecipherable - all smiles

Posted: Aug 10th, 2015 - 10:52 pm In Reply to: Top Secret - Meh

FMG's (foreign medical graduates) are required to take a written and oral language exam that must be passed at 75% (each). They also must pass the medical boards here at 75%.

Or they don't get licensed.

Don't know how some pass the language exam.

Nonetheless, if they are undecipherable, it is an audio issue. It is not our problem nor our fault that they cannot speak English.

In any other field, they would not continue to have a job if they could not communicate clearly.

There are plenty of speech therapists out there and linguists out there who help people with accent reduction and it does not cost a bundle to reduce your accent.

We really need to stop the doctor/provider worship and tell them to get their act together.


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