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grams or g?? - anon

Posted: Sep 25, 2010

Which is correct - no account specifics.

I use gm - Old part-timer

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Hey, but that's just me. I'm sure everyone will say I'm wrong!

Sorry, you are wrong. According to BOS2 - which we are supposed to use

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use abbreviation with numerals.

g is correct abbreviation for gram.

Learn something new and apply it to your life each day. The brain will not fog as fast.

To which I reply.... - Old part-timer

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Pfffft. The Almighty BOS will probably change back to gm next year. I've been around long enough to remember when we took out the periods between b.i.d., t.i.d. and then put them back in. This too shall pass.

My reasoning (besides my apparent Oppositional Defiant Disorder) is that no one is going to look at gm and NOT know that it means grams. So I figure it really doesn't mater.

it does not matter until the next time - anon
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you get audited and then post on here that QA is picking on you for little stuff. This IS the little stuff that they have every right to bust you on. They have guidelines - use them. If you choose not to, don't complain when they call you on it.
Believe me, I won't! - Old part-timer
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I don't sweat the small stuff. But thanks for your concern.

All according to what facility wants, we use gm - NM

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From Wiki - makes sense

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The International System of Units abbreviation for the gram is gm, and follows the numeric value with a space, as in "640 g".[3][4] In some fields and regions, the international standard units for units are used quite strictly, in particular in technical and scientific publications and in legally regulated product labels. In other contexts, a wide range of other unofficial abbreviations have been encountered, such as gr, gm, grm, gms, grms. The use of abbreviations such as "gm", "Gm", or "GM" for grams could potentially lead to serious errors in healthcare settings where accidentally transposing "gm" to "mg" (milligrams) would result in a 1000 times dosage difference. It would therefore be prudent to use "g" as the abbreviation for grams in any healthcare setting.

Using the same logic - Hmmm...

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The same logic could be applied to a case where an accidentally "dropped" letter m in mg could result in a 1000 times dosage difference. I see this occurring just as easily as a transposed mg/gm.
When I went to school, I was told to always spell it out - for the safety reasons you mentioned.
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I think BOS authors just change things so we have to buy another book or whatever every year or two. It's all about money these days, not safety.
I believe that would be safest - Hmmm...
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Spelling out grams and milligrams would be safest, but I don't think the BOS authors really have safety as their highest concern. To be honest, I believe they want to abbreviate grams as g just to save on keystrokes.

Not only BOS, the accepted abbreviation for - sm

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grams is g according to pretty much every scientific publication. gm is absolutely incorrect.

g or gm - jeannieb

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I use gm. BOS 2 means nothing to my company. I don't think it matters which I use. I'm sure my dictators don't even know there's a BOS 2 or 3.
I bought BOS 3, but I'm going to sell it on ebay fairly soon.

I would use g ...... - nm

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g is the correct abbrev for grams..... - nm

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I also never know if it is liter or L? - anonymous

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I do it both ways and never feel comfortable with either.

if used with number, use L. - otherwise spell out

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That makes more sense than the across-the-board L - which looks dumb by itself.

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Again, according to facility, we use L when combined - with a number. NM

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