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Cherrypicking run amok. As if this job weren't bad enough already, they have - to let POC or whatever they are called now

Posted: Apr 02, 2015

(Used to be team leads) cream right off the top. Shame on Nuance for condoning this. My words for the team members doing it would only shame me and get me banned from the board. You know who you are, you've visited this board too. 

That's infuriating. What platform are you on? - I didnt think it is possible

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to cherry pick on eScription, though I'm not entirely sure. My TSM said it wouldn't be possible.

Oh, it likely is not on most teams or accounts, unless you are a former team lead - and your supervisor conveniently forgets

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...to switch your job pools when reverting to MT work when there's not enough work to keep you busy doing whatever the hades POC people are supposed to be doing.

Oh, wait, they switch themselves, what am I thinking, they don't even have to ask a supe, let alone get permission! They must go to bed at night smug and well fed.

When I was there as QC - SM

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Mind you this was 2012 when I left... Anyway when I was there, we were allowed as QCs to pick and choose. I didn't do that to my advantage though. I have a conscience. Some don't.

Yes, the magical free access to favorite accounts, certain worktypes, - even certain MDs is allowed on certain teams

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...supes and HR fully aware and turning a blind eye, presumably to keep from losing any more "good MTs." Wonder how many they're prepared to lose over it? Oh, but wait, they really don't have an expectation about employee retention. Never have!

What do POC people do on day shift anyway? There are dozens of supervisors on duty - all day to monitor every single account!

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...sounds too good to be true, especially for Nuance. I want one of those jobs!
What is the POC position? - sm
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I think I've asked before but no reply
POC stands for point of contact. This is a list of various email addresses for various - situations, like whom to notify when sick, who to
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...call or notify when out of work, or when you have to submit a STAT to QC. I think it might only be used by one or two supervisors that fall under 1 or 2 particular COMs. When alot of QC and team lead positions were eliminated, a few of those people were incorprated back into the regular MT ranks, others ended up on this POC list, and their access to any of the accounts on which they had worked was never revoked. They can therefore pull work from every "good" dictator they want! This is on the ExText platform.

Lovely little well-kept cutthroat secret practice.
No. It's productions operations center. - Former POC-R
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Don't be mad at the POC reps. Be mad at their supervisors and their supervisors' supervisors. The work is awful. What they ask is impossible. The way they have POC reps accost people all day is WRONG. That is why I quit. The whole thing is about numbers and meeting TAT. They don't care about anything (or anyone else). The POC reps are in a bad position because they are lured away from other jobs in Nuance (I liked my former job), and once they are in POC and hate it, they're stuck. They can't go back. Its scary to be out of work. I quit because the job was actually making me ill. My supervisor was a jerk, and hers was actually worse. They reminded me of the candy man in chitty chitty bang bang, and I remember how screwed I felt when I realized I was in their cage.
P.S. - Former POC-R
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Also, the POC-R's do absolutely no transcription or VRE or QA. Not only do they not have the time to do that, most of the POCs don't have experience in transcription whatsoever. If you have any questions about how it works, ask away. I have ZERO loyalty to the asshats at Nuance.
why won't they let you go back to old job? - Mrs.Buns
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why would it matter to them?
As an MLS I've had bare minimal contact with POC, basically just to tell them I'm OOW or to remove a job, and they've always been real nice. One lady said she loved her job. I don't get it. They accost somebody?
In my case... - Ex POC-R
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My circumstances are personal.

The definition of accost is to approach someone boldly or aggressively. We were instructed to pursue people on the schedule until they answered us, and if they didn't answer us, we sent a department-wide email scolding them for not being available.

I was ALWAYS nice when I reached out to MTs or QCs...even when they were not so nice to me (which was more often than not), but I understood why they were bothered by me. No one wants to be a puppet. Frankly, no one is going to risk their job by telling a coworker they hate it.

Cranky - SadMT

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What makes me so cranky about it, aside from the obvious unfairness and all that that entails (the favorites making more money, etc.), is that they act as though it isn't going on! Are you kidding me? This company continually attempts to insult our intelligence to the point that it is laughable.

My p.o.s. POC has the audacity to tell me to switch accounts. I guess I know - why now.

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...should have known it did not have a thing to do with volumes.

Just another example of failing to hold supervisors accountable for bad - behavior. Aside from the complaints about money

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I'll bet most of the b****ing on this board would simply STOP if only Nuance would hold the right people accountable.

I find it disturbing that I have been - on my primary account for years

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And all of a sudden I am being threatened with being forced to change shifts or get put on a new "team" because of OOW on my 7 accounts in the mornings!

It really seems bassackwards to me. Couldn't the "Capacity Optimization" idiots figure out that when they hire a bunch of new people or assign them to my primary they should look at how many people are on in the morning first? What about making the newcomers take the late shift or else? I guess it's just easier for them when there is a slight buildup to encourage OT (which is a sham too) rather than actually hire people to work when there is a need, and that way of course no work again in the morning. Capacity Optimization my foot.

That's how they thank you for years of service, first of all no work, then it's your fault so you better watch it or you get reassigned.

Transferred after 6 years - fedup

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I was on account for 6 years that I absolutely loved and didn't have any problem with quality or minimum. I had a few days of running out of work in the evening and they switched me to an account with 95% ESL and I'm having trouble making minimum LPH. With the recent increase in "critical" errors and my decreased LPH, I'm making under minimal wage.
I am so sorry! This should not be happening. - These people are crazy. nm
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Original account sending SOS emails within a week. - fedup
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The only possible reason I can think of that this is happening is that they are setting us up to fail. They would prefer us all quit and quietly go away.

They likely have our Indian partners doing almost all reports now, - it is day over there when nighttime here

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...hence, you wake up and start after they've wiped the slate clean.

LOL Completely misinformed. POC do not type at all. nm - cannot say

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