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For all you CCMs want people to work - try giving a darn

Posted: Sep 01, 2012

You know I have worked for several companies over the years..and the art of supervision seems to be lost at MModal..I have had supervisors that I would do ANYTHING for because they at least acted like they gave a crap..I get along with most anyone, I enjoy people and their perspective on life.  I dont know what it is with this company but they need to do a reboot and teach people how to do their jobs.  A seething email telling me I have to work OT on a holiday weekend gets you nowhere, had you actually gave a crap and answered emails that are important to ME, welll then I would have worked you out of your jam.  Its a simple art to manage people, you have to LIKE people to do it.  So if your a CCM maybe you need to learn a lesson in people skills or at least learn how to properly fake it.. we would be more productive I guarantee it...

CCM - Me2

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"Company created monster" is what someone referred them to and I couldn't agree more. Horrible, horrible and mine was never an MT. She was an IT peson who was laid off and they offered her CCM or nothing. Wow, how lucky are we. She is still with M*Modal, but I am not and she was the reason why; plus the nazi QA! I have gone to H and back after leaving that company, but I was never for one second sorry I left. I finally landed on my feet and have a good job, but it was hard. Don't let them break you down, I did and never again. That company is not worth one extra thought or moment of dispair, let them all burn!

My QA is awesome...CCM whole other story - Oh she wont break me

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but I will darn sure make her life as hard as I can,,,that much I guarantee you...I love to screw with people..

LOL - that's my attitude too - MModal Livestock

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In my years at MQ/MM, I have had somewhere between 40-50 CCMs, managers and QA supervisors. I've been fairly lucky with CCMs and managers. Most were nice to extremely nice. That doesn't mean that they didn't routinely act as a conveyor belt of suffering from corporate as is their job description, but they were nice about it. One used to send pictures of kittens at the bottom of the worst emails. If you saw a picture of a kitten loading, you knew this was going to be a bad day.

I've had worse luck with QA supervisors. Part is my own fault. Because I failed to attain some sort of occupational apotheosis into a perfect being that doesn't make mistakes, I was asking for it. The problem I've find is that many of my QA supervisors are disgruntled former MTs that absorbed so much abuse that they leapt at the chance to be the one with the whip for a change.

Because most of my CCMs have been so nice, yet ruined my day so often, I've always had mixed feelings when they eventually go insane and run off into the woods screaming and clawing at their eyes. Has anyone else seen their CCMs rapidly decline in mental health in a series of increasingly nonsensical emails followed by their disappearance with no explanation from anyone where they went? I've seen this happen four times!

They always start off so happy and enthusiastic. They just know that they'll successfully succeed with much success (they love those words) all around.

Then the decline sets in. Less exclamation points after sentences. Fewer words per email. Harsher subject lines. Then they stop replying to emails, only sending out forwarded corporate dictates. Finally, they reach the end-stage. Lazily mass forwarding inappropriate corporate emails that we weren't supposed to see in an unedited form. Then, like fruit flies, having lived their short and fairly pointless careers, they fall away and a new generation of bright-eyed, kitten-picture-attaching, exclamation-point-hogging success addicts are brought in and step over the used husks of their predecessors.

And the circle of life for management at MModal continues anew.
Thanks for the laugh - MT
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You brighten our bleak MM existence with your witty prose. You should be a professional writer, your word pictures are priceless. Don't waste your gift.
This is by FAR, the BEST, most descriptive, and - FUNNIEST post I have ever read!
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I laughed out loud, and at one point my coffee nearly came out my nose.

You described the corporate management and QA "cycle of life" to a T.

The line about the kitten pictures foreboding a bad day, and the visual of insane CCMs running through the woods clawing at their eyes, makes me laugh so hard, I'm going to try to remember them next time our QA's are riding us with their bull spurs on.

I'm also going to save your post. Your humor just MADE MY DAY!
I agree... Livestock, if you can't totally - rid yourself of MM
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for whatever reason, you should at least be writing a humor blog or something somewhere.

I don't know if anyone remembers this, and I can't remember her name, but when I first started MT there was a humorous book out by a lady about the "joys" of MTing with topics like dictator "birds", smoking while typing, etc. Maybe you could collect and self-publish your essays to be enjoyed by a wider audience.

At any rate, thanks for the belly laughs!
Thanks to everybody - MModal Livestock
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Glad so many got a good laugh. Funny about the mention of becoming a professional writer. That was my dream since I was a kid. Then life got in the way. Why is it that my life always gets in the way of my living?

Recently though I've found myself with more free time and I've been getting back into writing. I have a whole novel written from a few years ago, collecting digital dust on my hard drive. My friends keep telling me I should publish it, but they'd be lousy friends if they didn't. Nothing moves a book off the shelves faster than blurbs like: "The best book I read all year." - The author's mom, and "It wasn't really my thing." - The author's best friend. Correction, ex-best friend;)

Kind of a coincidence about the suggestion of a humor blog. Lately I've been thinking about starting that very thing. I've never made a website of any kind, so it would be interesting just to try it. I'm looking for new experiences lately. I might be applying for a new non-transcription job too. Transcription was the family business and that's all I've ever done. On the other hand, I hear out-of-the-house jobs make you wear pants. Fascists.

All these compliments have gone to my head. Makes me want to try publishing that novel. Someone did tell me that if I dumb it down and add some gratuitous sex scenes it could be a bestseller.
That was hilarious and so true! - Bruised and Battered
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I just wish the life-cycle for my current QAs and supervisor would speed up.

I treat it as a game of Medical Whac-a-Mole. I start off each morning like a perky little mole, happy to start a brand new day faced with exciting challenges. I struggle through foreign accents, mispronounced medications, obscure diseases and syndromes, waste countless unpaid minutes on checking profiles and changing demo details. I go back through and proof it and occasionally even manage to take out some of those QA markers. I finally hit that upload button with a huge feeling of satisfaction for a job well done. It's gonna be a good day.

And then my inbox starts filling up with emails from QA. I've told myself over and over again to just delete them. They only upset me. But, no, I can't help myself. Perhaps this time they'll be constructive, friendly, nice. And then, BHAM! Hit over the head with a mallet. My good mood's gone, my day's ruined. I'm clearly useless and will never be able to type worth a bean.

But the next day, it's Medical Whac-A-Mole all over again. I just keep popping up out of my hole to get battered over the head again.

Perhaps we should call it Whac-A-MModal?
My days are similar! (sm) - Meerkat
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I do the same thing: Wake up refreshed and in a fairly good mood, telling myself, "Today is going to be better".

I tell myself, "Today, I'm finally going to hit that elusive, ever-rising 'minimum line count', or 100% accuracy." I tell myself that today, I'm going to finally earn more than $40 in a 10-hour workday.

But then, all the things you mention come into play, in addition to the cr@p we have to transcribe, and the cr@ppy platform we have to do our transcription on.

Inevitably, the degrading and demoralizing emails start coming in. They seem to have gotten around my tendency to delete these before reading them by headlining them with "MUST READ!" or "PLEASE RESPOND!"

Then my day and good mood is usually shot. I always go to bed feeling worthless and beaten-down.

Then, I wake up the next morning, and the cycle starts all over again. I guess that's what that phrase, "Hope springs eternal" means. We humans do have a rather self-destructive propensity to continually grasp at straws of hope.
"ACTION REQUIRED" is the only reason my trash bin - MModal Livestock
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hasn't exploded yet. Definitely couldn't agree more. There are days - especially a few years ago when I was in a worse part of MQ - that some days I didn't even read my email until I was done because I wouldn't get my minimum lines after the damage to my morale and self-esteem. Occasionally I wouldn't be able to get on and have to go look at the email to see if the system was down.

I do love the propaganda emails though. Nice to start the day with a good laugh. Also, there were times when my CCM was borderline illiterate and I loved their mail. Especially when it was lecturin about the importants of acurracy.

Hard to remember, so long ago, that my very first MQ manager was a former MT. I can see why they don't do that anymore though. She never would have been able to tell us with a straight face that after a month you could get 600 LPH on ASR.

Sometimes after reading a particularly soul crushing email, I have to take a 10 minute break, calm down and listen to some music about the plight of the poor man/working man (same thing these days). Or post a scathing review of it on here.
I did the same with the feedback on QSAR when - I had a particularly
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horrid QA individual. I just quit reading them, then there were 200+ unread feedbacks, and they became "locked." I didn't care. It was so traumatic to read her corrections and comments that the whole computer could have exploded from their bulk for all I cared. I think we finally switched to DocQScribe 50.1 or some such and it started over, the QA left/died/was transferred, and I could read feedback once more.
Why would a good MT even have 200+ feedback? - Just wonderin. nm
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I never had that much build up, but it can happen - MModal Livestock
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Mainly, because I throw mine straight in the trash if I see a name I don't like. If you get a bad QA that gets on your case, it can be like shaking a bloodhound off your trail. I've had times when I've had a dozen QAs reviewing my work on different accounts and only gotten an email or two a month. Other times I've gotten dozens of emails from the same person about the most innocuous and tiniest mistakes. I mean stuff that if I was QA, I would be embarrassed to bring up. The amount of feedback you get can depend on a lot of factors, only one of which is personal skill. Bad accounts, bad dictators and QA nitpicking can put some serious dings in your self-confidence, which only means you make more mistakes.

The worst thing I hate is when you get competing QA. Like two dogs fighting over a bone, and you're the bone. One QA yells at me because I used Roman numerals for systolic murmur. A week later another is upset because I switched to Arabic numbers. That happened fairly often.

It was sort of summed up when I was talking to a QA supervisor I knew passably well. I commented that I thought the book of style should be thrown in the trash. She agreed and added that they definitely needed to make a new and more complete edition. It highlighted our separate philosophies all too well. She thought the problem was not enough rules to follow. My opinion was that you didn't need a book of style. Who cares if you use roman numerals or if you capitalize Parkinson's? As long as you're spelling it right its all good in my book.

I actually told my CCM when she offered me the position of MME that that would be naming Robin Hood sheriff of Nottingham. I can't go around to MTs and slap the food out of their children's mouths because they put were instead of where. I would have taken it just to be the good cop, but the truth under the truth was that I don't feel it's a promotion. More hassle for some kind of vague pay raise? No thank you.
If MT doesnt have needed skill set, she might be more successful - in a different profession. IMO. nm
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Well I have been doing it for almost 30 years, - still making 10 and 6
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for MedQuist, been chosen as test dummy for every program that has come around, which included some new accounts that would be 100% QA (at no cost to me). All of these things would mean more QA reviews and more feedback. Excuse the heck out of me. I remember why I dont' come to this board much now. Why couldn't you just ask your question and not have to add the "good" adjective? I am a "good" MT. I was just posting on a board. Y
Because a bad MT you would expect to have 200+ - feedback. nm
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THis doesnt make sense. If you are doing facility ready - reports, no changes by qa, on a 100% Sm
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qa acct, there would be no bad feedback. If qa makes no changes to your stellar reports, why not check feedback? Look at how great your reports are?
For a while every blank - stupid MT apparently
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went to QA and you weren't penalized plus they audited 7 reports every week. It just added up over the months or a year. Didn't mean to start the flaming machine, but I guess you are correct that I am not a good MT or I would be making more money and get a raise now and then.
Thanks for the chuckle. You have talent! - nm
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They wont break me, either, and I love to mess - with people, too! (sm)

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I work for a company that fancies itself to be a clone of M*Modal. :(

When QA and management get on my case, well heavens to Betsy... I just have to suddenly get R-E-A-L slow. Or "forget" to do a bunch of things their stupid emails told us we had to do. Or let the TATs go out of TAT.

The possibilities for passive aggression as a form of retribution are endless!
Worked for a nasty supervisor once who was - ragging on me for a phone
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call I had one day and didn't meet my minimum for ONE HOUR. I was always one of her top producers. All of the sudden my production became the minimum EXACTLY each and every hour. She noticed pretty quickly and called me on it. I told her I thought that was what she wanted -- me to make my minimum consistently EVERY HOUR. Needless to say, she never bothered me again, my production went back up, and I saw her at a funeral not long ago and she acted like we were best friends! Yes I am passive/aggressive. It is a fault.

Matter of opinion - old and burned out

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My current CCM is pretty responsive and is always saying what a great team we are and thanks for all you do, etc. My response is who cares? She can thank me until she's blue in the face but when you work for a company that is constantly trying to nickel and dime you to death, what good are all the thanks?

I was never told I did a good job until I gave my - 2-week notice.

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Then I got an E-MAIL -- NOT A PHONE CALL OR ANYTHING -- saying I was such a great employee, she hated to lose me, and was there anything that could make me stay? Since doubling my salary wasn't going to happen, I told her no, that I was burned out and going another direction.

CCM - Nature

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I have to say that I have been lucky with my CCMs. I have never had a mean one, absent one, or uncaring one. I love my CCM that I have. She answers all my e-mails. When I told her how nervous I was about the 7.1 program, she encouraged me. When I am ill and have to take off, she always says "I hope you get better. Get some rest." She is a wonder, and I have told her several times how much I appreciate her. I have told her what I read here on MT Stars about supervisors. I am so sorry for you MTs who have that to worry about. It's hard enough doing our job, much less having an absent CCM or a mean one.

I think my CCM is about to blow! - I never heard anything

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from anybody until this one took over, now I get harassing emails nearly every day. Not sure whether to ignore them or take it up with her superior if I can figure out who that is. I give her about a month before she is disappeared like the other ones, so probably not worth worrying about.

Having worked for a hospital for 20 years with - anon

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the same supervisor all that time, when I went to work for MQ, I was floored by the turnover of CCMs (and all their other acronyms over the years). Sometimes they would last a few months, sometimes weeks, occasionally a year. Most times we would just get an E-mail that so-in-so no longer worked for MQ. One CCM was sending out E-mails and status reports in the morning business as usual and by noon, got an E-mail that she no longer worked for MQ. In 8 years I probably had 15-20 CCMs. That right there seems to indicate something wrong with the management of this company?

Just remember all,,when I had a real job I learned - document EVERYTHING

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If I send and email and she doesnt reply,,it goes in a folder (its a huge folder now lol)..Sooner or later shes gonna go I told ya and Im gonna go oh yea here and where is your response? Im a control freak, and I dont respond at all to being told what to do. I worked here before and had the best CCM we clicked on a common interest and became friends. She cued me in that she was leaving cause things were going sour fast, and suggested I go as well..And I did and Im back, I like docqscribe what can I say..I left making 10 grand a year more then I am now..but its getting me through, all of the companies are the same, they all rot now. After the last one cut my pay yet again because of the economy, I figured if Im gonna make crappy money Ill go to a platform I like and finish out the next now 50 months (OH yes I am counting down)...And when I hit that mark, if the job is around that long. I hope what I do makes it easier for the rest of you..

CCM revolving door - PassingBy

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Just passing by and I am completely in awe with this particular post. I do not usually read a lot of the posts on mtstars, but this post is very entertaining.

Since I have worked at MQ/MM with a lot of different CCMs and the total number has been staggering. Quite frankly I lost count a few years back. I also became "close" and was getting to know my former CCM quite well. One day she actually called me, and this particular day she was very frustrated about dealing with corporate issues at MQ/MM, then the phone call quickly became a sounding board for her and she actually opened up and revealed some "inside" info -- which helped me understand a lot more about this company.

Anyway, I have learned to stay neutral and not concern myself with the CCM revolving door.

Simply put:

I do my job and collect a paycheck.

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