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Lacking motivation - SaySally

Posted: Oct 17, 2011

So it's Monday morning and I have very little to no motivation to crank out reports.  This is getting to be a real problem.  My line count is dwindling because of my lack of motivation.  I've been doing this job for decades.  Where do you find motivation?  Any tips or tricks you care to share?  The weeks get longer all the time and while I like my job I certainly do not love it any more.  Help!  Thanks.

A new job. - Holly

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My interest in gemology has landed me a new job, at a great salary with benefits, and no nights, in a jewelry exchange. It starts in a week and I cannot wait.

In the same boat. So tired of all the mush mouths and making less and - less every day, sm

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I have been doing this for 20 years. I need something to get me out of this lack of motivation for this job, too. I actually hate my job most days whereas I used to love it.

I change rooms or rearrange my office furniture. - new keyboard...sm

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change anything you can such as font, colors that only shows on your side and won't change how the company sees or gets the reports. Paint/paper your office.

Finding motivation - bj

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I think you need to look for another profession. I like what I am doing but sometimes get bored. I am always frustrated by the pay though. It is too bad we are paid so little and only get raises every 8 yrs or so.....

Raises? My pay is decreasing - nm

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What de-motivates me is knowing that no matter - how hard I buckle down and - sm

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crank out those lines, at the end of the day I'm still going to have far too little to show for it. This morning I have $3 to my name, no food in the fridge and no gas in my car, and payday isn't until the end of the week. And I'm STILL unmotivated.

It isnt that I dont like transcribing - actually, I enjoy listening and typing. But all the enjoyment of a job well done loses its luster, when all that hard work isn't even going to buy my breakfast.

Lacking motivation - SaySally

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I changed my screen saver...wow! It was about the best I could muster after asking for a raise and being told no. That makes 5 years without a raise. Looking for suggestions to work more efficiently.

You need a mental health break. - Try this.

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It's all in your mind - for many reasons.

First clean up your office/work space. Dress it up a little with new pictures, flowers, etc.

Next, as soon as possible, do something you enjoy. Whether it is cooking, hiking, exercising, gardening, etc. Start a new project that you can be very excited about. While you are doing, DO NOT think about work.

Okay, now back to work. Make every attempt possible to enjoy your work. Get into the case - the patient - the story, the outcome. While you are working TRY VERY HARD not to think about your pay, your line count, conflicts with your company, client, etc. Remove yourself (your mind) from all those aspects. Pretend you are doing this for free, so all that really does not matter. Work at a steady pace with as much accuracy as possible, and imagine that this is relaxing for you (good luck with that one). All of the other garbage will affect your motivation and your attitude. Just pretend all of that does not exist.

Lastly, do not talk too much about work with your friends and family. Do not dwell on the negative. MAKE yourself be happy as a person as a whole. Refuse to be upset about the negative aspects of work that you can not change.

I am trying the above. Some days good, some days not so good. Overall, it is helping. Good luck to you.

Lacking motivation - SaySally

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Thank you. Sounds good. I did try to jump into work fresh this morning and just not think about the setbacks. So far, so good. One thought that I have to keep pushing out of my brain is "I'm in a dead-end job" but I will work on that.

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