A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

All in the name of the almighty dollar - vikefan

Posted: Nov 20, 2009

What has happened to quality?  Someone earlier today mentioned that she had a verbatim acct and was embarrassed to send out the report with her initials on it because the doctor's grammar was so bad.

What happen to the time when we were allowed to type three, four, five, instead of 3, 4 or 5.  We get sentences such as "The patient was prescribed Ultram 50 2 times a day.  I'm going to type out two there because at least to me, it looks confusing.

Whatever happened to be able to type in words not dictated such as "to",
"the", etc.  Instead of saying the patient will return to the clinic in 6 weeks, we have to say (if the doctor dictates this way) the patient will return clinic in 6 weeks. 

Whatever happened to our freedom of changing something we are 100% sure is incorrect and we know the correct answer? 

GIGO - garbage in, garbage out, I guess. 



.... and a bizillion abbreviations .... - n/m

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garbage in, garbage out - hatedoctors

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Exactly my point.

Absolutely.....the fact this is a legal document means - NOTHING anymore!!! nm

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Agree - time for a juicy laws suit! NM - anon

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MTSOs are "dumbing down" our work so that - see msg

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we won't outshine their precious Indians. Or their "not-quite-ready-for-primetime" VR systems.

It's all a big scam, the clients haven't figured it out yet, and for now anyway, the fat cats are laughing all the way to the bank.

I would rather have VR all day long than type what I have had today - VR lover

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The bottom of the barrel has been scrapped and I know where it is. I would rather a thousand times over have VR so at least I would not have to struggle with the few who are on straight. They are horrible. I had 1 dictation today that had people screaming all in the background, the entire report, about 5 minutes long. I used to enjoy this profession and ugh now.

This is one of the biggest problems with VR - see msg

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With the companies who have accounts on VR, the only straight typing left on those accounts are the ones that will make you pull your hair out.

With straight typing, it used to be that at least the good dictators seemed to help balance out the bad. But now, with VR, the only thing left for straight typing are the really, really bad ones. The VR system cherry picks all of the decent or halfway decent dictators out.
I was saying wish bottom of barrel on VR as VR gets them right - VR lover
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I do straight with a number of dictators from the hospital and they are NOT ALL bad. The one I had with screaming in the background was a good dictator- it was just people were having a shouting match behind him. I have interns each month that are fairly decent dictators, sometimes, and they are never on VR. I should be much more clear when I write these as people always ready to jump against VR and say only the worst gets left behind, not true. What I was trying to say here was VR gets the bottom of the barrel people right for the most part and straight is ugh work for me.

RE: ALMIGHTY $ - HeidiHo

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We don't have the freedom to change what we're sure is 100% correct is because they don't trust us to have that wisdom or skill -- they have more confidence in mumbling, confusing, slurring, dictators. They don't even speak in complete sentences anymore - i.e., "Patient admitted hospital this a.m., ICU, started (drug du jour),...patient discharged home, stable". Seems they don't want to pay us to type the pronouns & adjectives & even "milligrams" .. everything that can be abbreviated is done so. My text reference of Abbreviations & Eponyms may have up to 20 definitions for the same abbreviation, but abbreviation dictated, I will type the abbreviation. SAVES LOTS OF MY UNPAID TIME HAVING TO LOOK IT UP! Sorry for the 'tude... I wasn't born with it IT WAS PUT THERE OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS!

hate QA too - Ihatedoctors2

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The whole industry has gone sour.

I especially love physical exams that sound like this:

VS: 120/80, 60, 16, 222.

What is that? Can a lay person read that mess? I'd like to see them defend that medical record in arbitration. PFFT!

Another thing I especially love is a poor dictator who says something that sounds like, "Walacha," so you leave a blank. Mysteriously QA finds the dictator said, "We will scan the record and place this in the patient's chart."

Imagine, all those words from so few phonetic sounds. It's like magic!

I hate this whole industry. It's gotten so sloppy now that the BOS has become a joke, and the powers that be who regulate this really don't care as long as the money keeps flowing.


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I guess this is why they are now hiring nurses as legal nurse consultants to decipher the medical report and medical records for the lawyers. I don't know why they don't hire MTs for this new career, though.

As an RN and MT, I thought about becoming a legal nurse consultant, but decided that I hate lawyers just about as much as I hate doctors, so that wouldn't work.

However, of course, we know what those abbreviations mean, so we are one jump ahead of them if we ever find ourselves as a plantiff or a defendant in a lawsuit.

In my honest opinion, these abbreviations have no place in a legal record. What's so hard about just saying abdomen soft and nontender? Had to save those 20 characters or so by the ABD: SNT. How foolish and cheap.

It never fails to amaze me as to what accommodations are made with the medical record and the transcription industry just to make it all so very convenient for the doctors and facilities and less and less fun for the MTs. UGH.

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