A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

It's pretty easy to see one of the problems with - Transcend supervisors.

Posted: Jul 13, 2010

...and probably those of some other companies as well.  Transcend supervisors are expected to oversee teams of up to 35 MTs, keep the account in TAT, mentor their people to improve their performance, ride herd on "mavericks", monitor the account status and do all of the other typical supervisory chores....

....while transcribing 75 to 80% of the time. 

....in exchange for which they are paid a stipend of $700 a month.

Now, there is so much wrong with this picture that I won't belabor the point, but it's just another example of a transcription company that wants to have its cake and eat it too.  In this case, they want an individual who is handling two jobs simultaneously, each of which is nearly full-time in its demands. 

I've read a number of complaints about Transcend supervisors who have seemed to be, shall we say, less than "leadership" types in terms of their communications with their people.  They've been terse and seemingly impatient - but I for one think we have to cut them some slack.  I have no difficulty at all in seeing these people having to work long hours, sometimes six or seven days a week, in order to meet these expectations.  I have no difficulty at all seeing people who are frazzled beyond frazzle, and I have no difficulty saying that $700 a month for their "second job" is hardly adequate compensation.

Transcend wants supervisors, but they don't really want supervisors.  So if you work for Transcend and you have a "good" supervisor - thank your lucky stars (and your supervisor), because Transcend had nothing to do with that bit of good fortune.  In fact, they do everything possible to make it highly unlikely that you'll get a good supervisor.

On the other hand, if you have a "bad" supervisor, you might cut them some slack, because Transcend has done everything possible to make it highly likely that they're much less than the supervisor they could be if someone at the upper levels of Transcend took some time off for a course in basic business management principles -or, better yet, how to build high-speed, low-drag teams.

There's nothing wrong, per se, with a "transcribing supervisor".  However, the expectation here (75-80% of time spent transcribing) is simply self-defeating.  There's a story of a man who was walking in the woods and came upon a lumberjack who was hacking and hacking and hacking at a tree.  Sweat was pouring off him, and yet he was making very little progress.

"You need to sharpen your axe", said the man.

"What?!  Can't you see that I'm too busy to stop and sharpen my axe?" replied the lumberjack.

The team is the axe, and the lumberjack is the supervisor.  Chopping down that tree is the "mission" of the team.  Hewing away at the tree while the axe becomes duller and duller is precisely how Transcend sets up the supervisor's position.

The appropriate expectation for a "transcribing supervisor" is that SUPERVISION MUST COME FIRST, and its demands must dictate how much transcribing the supervisor does personally.  One week it might be 50%, another week it might be somewhat more or somewhat less.  But here we have the tail wagging the dog, to use another metaphor.  Instead of the supervisory responsibilities on a given day dictating how much transcribing the supervisor does, we have a (ridiculous) transcription expectation (for the supervisor) dictating how much supervising they can do.

Absurd, folks...and not very bright, either.  To Transcend management - your supervisors would be more valuable to you if you turned your model around and had them spending the majority of their time sharpening the axe.  It's the axe that does the work.

Building high-performance teams is challenging work, and it involves much more than sending out email messages, scolding people:  "Why didn't you work your shift yesterday, you lazy git?"  JOB ONE for a team leader can be expressed in one of two ways:

1.  Every single member of the team is empowered and shown (specifically) how to maximize their potential and minimize their shortcomings.

2.  Every single member of the team embraces and supports the team's success, and identifies with the mission on a deeply personal level.

...and I apologize for the redundancy, because #1 is precisely the same thing as #2.  Accomplishing these ideals means that the supervisor does team building FIRST and transcribes in the "cracks" of time available.  She does NOT transcribe first and build her team in the "cracks" of time left over.





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Thank you!

Supervisors - at Transcend

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You stated "I have no difficulty at all in seeing these people having to work long hours, sometimes six or seven days a week, in order to meet these expectations>" What about the MT that has to work 12-14 hours a day and 6-7 days a week to meet their expectations?? As has been suggested on this board many times about the MT - if you cannot cut it find a different job. I guarantee these supervisors are not sitting around for 12-14 hours a day waiting for jobs to appear so they can meet their requirement of transcribing 75-80% of the time. They knew what was expected of them when they took on the position of a supervisor and if they cannot take the heat they need to get out of the kitchen. The bottom line is why cut the supervisor SLACK when they do not cut the MT any slack. I will agree with one thing - they have too many responsibiliites, but that is the name of their game. It they cannot cut it in their current role then they need to move on!!!! I wqould like to be guaranteed $700 a month stipend. Sounds like you may be in a supervisory role yourself.

I'm a retired supervisor - not for Transcend - - and you missed the point.

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I supervised teams of over 40 people, and I know both what it takes, and how it's done (right). Fortunately, I worked for a company with enlightened management who understood the principles that I expressed in my original post. I won't mention the name here because the company did so well that the owners were made an offer that was almost double the usual calculation of value for a transcription company which they couldn't refuse, and so it no longer exists.

The "get out of the kitchen" comment you made indicates that you didn't follow the thrust of my post. As such, I really can't respond to you because we'd be talking about two totally different subjects.

I am not a supervisor or "manager" or anything.sm - anon

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but a regular MT, but even I know they work very, very long hours and days for little compensation in my estimation. Fortunately for me, I have the best of the lot of them so I agree, cut them some slack, especially when you have one like I do who cuts us slack all the time.

So..... how many hours a week do YOU work? And - how well are you compensated for it?

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And BTW - most supervisors CAN'T cut it.

I so agree! - ex-Transcend MT and ex supervisor

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I was a supervisor for MedQuist, and recently left Transcend. I wish I had the guarantee of an additional $700 a month in my job, and in fact I just wish I made that much a month!! I do not feel sorry for Transcend supervisors, or any supervisor that has to type and do her job, because I did the same thing, without a stipend, by doing both typing and supervising. I do know for a fact that some of the Transcend supervisors, in order to make their line count, took work away from the MTs on certain accounts and kept the work on the days they needed to make their line counts. I had work taken away from my own account some evenings, and knew it was done because the supervisor said, "sorry girls, I have to type now so I can make my line count..you are now on your own for awhile." I had 1 supervisor with Transcend who was never available when you needed her, and you had to sent her numerous e-mails, and try to get in touch with her by phone, sometimes for hours on end.

You hit the nail on the head. - sm

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I also know that the TLs will take work away to make their line count because I've seen it happen too. I also know that my TL can straight type at least 200+ lph, so it does not take her long to reach her daily quota. Plus, the 75% to 80% of the line count quota is for the whole pay period, not just per day. Now take into consideration that they are generally paid more per line for both editing and straight typing, and it does not take long to reach the line count quota.

When we first started on the current paystub web site, we all got a copy of what a TL paystub so we could see what it would look like. The rate for straight typing was 10 cpl and editing was 6 cpl. Now if we only have to earn $900 per pay period (some with 11 or 12 days in them), figure how long it would take a person typing 200+ lines per hour to reach the 75% of the line quota. Since our account is still on straight typing, at 10 cpl and at 75% of the $900, our TL only has to type 614 lines per day to qualify in a 10-day period. At 200+ lines per hour, that's a little over 3 hours a day.

I'm not saying that they have it easy by any means. I'm just saying that when it comes to production they definitely have the upper hand.

Excellent description - Ex-Transcend Employee

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Excellent post! I am an ex-Transcender who was offered the "team leader" position multiple times but I turned it down for the exact reasons you state it can't be done well. Team leaders come and go there all the time because no one can keep up that pace all the time and do a good job and keep their sanity.

Expectations - RLee

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Just another example of GREED!!!! They do want their cake and eat it too exactlty. It is just so sad that people have to endure these ridiculous working conditions to make a small living. The word transcend means

1 a : to rise above or go beyond the limits of b : to triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of : OVERCOME c : to be prior to, beyond, and above (the universe or material existence)
2 : to outstrip or outdo in some attribute, quality, or powerintransitive verb : to rise above or extend notably beyond ordinary limits

This company is sure living up to its name or trying their best using whatever tactics it takes, but they are not the only ones - sad but rrue.

Eloquently put - XTR

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You have hit the nail on the head. I have to add that they seem to put people in the TL role who have never done that sort of thing before, don't really know what they're getting into, but get so dazzled by having a new title that they don't think twice about accepting the new position. They have no real past demonstrated ability to be put into a supervisory position and certainly not enough experience to see that it is a self-defeating role they are being thrust into. I have seen many of them let the new title go to their heads and behave like jerks, but on the other hand I always had to remember that they are in a no-win position formulated by Transcend. You are so right when you say Transcend wants to have their cake and eat it too, and they prey on people who don't know enough to know they are getting into a no-win situation. You simply cannot take the time out to type and perform adequate supervision, period. Transcend does not seem to be able to learn from this and just cycles through TL after TL, making it harder on the MTs who have to put up with the resultant instability and lack of real, helpful, insightful supervision. There are few TLs who somehow make it work, but alas they are few and far between.

I hope every MTSO has a copy of your post - on the table at their next big pow-wow. XLNT!

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The story about the axe is such a clear illustration of the problem, it should be tattooed to the forehead of every MTSO upper management person.

Me tooo! Excellent. Why cannot management SEEEEEEE!!!, GREED nm - .

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Obviously written by management or a team lead - on the other hand

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So you want us to cut you slack? When was the last time you cut anyone slack? You are hiding your nasty, vile mouth and e-mails behind the cover of management pushing you too hard, you are underpaid and no one appreciates you.

Face it, no one respects someone who is nasty and ugly. You are probably the witch who writes us up if we are 10 minutes late for our shift, but then sits there and begs us to work long, long hours and not record it on the timecards so it makes you look good and you can go for a higher position because you are a control freak.

Some of the TLs are good, but the majority are just backside kissers who do everything just the way the big cheese ROM wants it done, never disagrees, and will never take the side of the MLS. After all, didn't most of these ROMs get the job by cuddling up to SM, DM, LL, VA, some of the nastiest in the business.

You knew what the job entailed before you took it, and don't plead that you are not a TL. How else would you know the workload numbers. This is not advertised. You keep the job because it is an open door so you can cherrypick the work from the rest of us and slide under the wire without having to meet the same standards we do with that horrible mmode editor.

Transcend, or the ROMs, got rid of all their good people a long time ago, the ones who actually cared about the MTs. Now they just pick their pets and put them into place. The management technique they provide is as bad as the management the ROMs provide, and they are all getting as mean as cobs.

I am not and have never been a Transcend TL - I answered this question above.

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The numbers I cited are all listed in a Transcend job listing that you can find for yourself on another board. I cannot give the name of that board because the management here doesn't permit it.

More to the point:

1. My post was not "about" cutting supervisors slack - merely suggesting that there might be some things to take into account when they get "raggy".

2. Whether a supervisor cuts YOU slack might very well not be within her discretion. Remember, in companies that are run with this sort of poor management philosophy, it is highly likely that she has someone ragging at her.

3. Characterizing supervisors as "backside kissers" presumes that you know a lot more than you possibly can know.

4. Sometimes a supervisor doesn't know at all what she's getting into when she takes a job. She might very well regret bitterly making that decision. And she might not have any options as to whether she can just up and quit the job (companies do not ALWAYS allow a supervisor to "drop back" to MT positions). At first, she thinks that she is struggling because she doesn't know the job very well yet, or that "this isn't how things are all the time". Pretty soon, she's invested quite a bit of herself in the position and it's not really very reasonable to suggest that she should just throw it all overboard.

But what's more likely is that she keeps the job despite the difficulties because she thinks that she can make a difference somehow. I've known any number of supervisors who worked beyond the time they had planned to retire because they felt that their team needed them. Loyalty, if it exists at all, flows both ways.

From your comments, you seem very bitter. I hope that you're able to step back and take a more balanced view of the real point I was making in my post, which is that there are companies like Transcend that have it all wrong when it comes to their expectations of their supervisors, and that this has a predictably negative impact on their ability to have a positive impact on the team.

Your comments - do not justify the situation

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In reference to your point "4. Sometimes a supervisor doesn't know at all what she's getting into when she takes a job. She might very well regret bitterly making that decision. And she might not have any options as to whether she can just up and quit the job (companies do not ALWAYS allow a supervisor to "drop back" to MT positions). At first, she thinks that she is struggling because she doesn't know the job very well yet, or that "this isn't how things are all the time". Pretty soon, she's invested quite a bit of herself in the position and it's not really very reasonable to suggest that she should just throw it all overboard."

At Transcend TLs CAN "drop back" to MT position. And the same scenario as far as "she thinks that she is struggling because she doesn't know the job very well yet, or that "this isn't how things are all the time". Pretty soon, she's invested quite a bit of herself in the position and it's not really very reasonable to suggest that she should just throw it all overboard" pertains to the individual MT employed by Transcend. As it has been mentioned many times on this board to the MT - if you are unhappy or struggling find another job!!! Well the MT probably finds herself in the same situation as the supervisor, maybe this is not the way things are all the time pertaining to low work volume, etc and they have been a long-term employee and have a lot invested and should just not throw it overboard. It sounds very much like you are trying to defend the TLs for this company and maybe you are a TL and are feeling the heat from upper management and want the MTs to cut you slack. You do not ever mention once the MTs positions and how they are treated or defend their positions, just the TLs.

You are incorrect. There is a job ad on mtjobs - that describe the requirements.

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This is curious. It must really be a nasty ROM who needs that supervisor/TL, (SM) - Interesting

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The job is not even advertised on the transcend website. You would think that with 2500+ MLS they could find someone in-house to take the job. Also, this really puts a hole in their requirements that you have to have scores of above 4 for most of the editing requirements. Maybe they should consider extending the same courtesy to employees. Now some poor team is going to have to put up with a team lead who knows absolutely nothing but how to act like Hitler but cannot answer their questions about the account, the platforms or anything else. Way to go Transcend. (Think it might be time to look at some of your ROMs and decide who is causing the problems and why no one will work for them?)

Outside hiring is definitely discrimination on the part of Transcend. - Transcender

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How have these new applicants met the requirements of 98% QA scores, scores of more than 4 for the various categories on voice recognition, etc. Something is wrong!

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