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Anyone having trouble going FT with MDI/TRANSCEND? - MDI/MT

Posted: Jan 23, 2010

I am just wondering if any of you are transitioning to full-time from MDI on 02/01/2010, and if you are, are you having trouble with MDI/Transcend about this.  The reason I am asking is that  I received a note and they said they were just told that I was going to go full-time, after I had already turned in my paperwork and applied for full-time benefits awhile ago now.  They said it would be too costly for me to maintain the insurance on a 35-hour work week??? They also asked if I would reconsider this and only work part-time.  They also gave me a deadline and told me that if I did not maintain my line count between 02/01/2009 and 02/15/2010 that I would be put immediately back on a part-time status and my benefits would be terminated.  I told them that I think it is rather odd that they are just now telling me about this, and asked them why they did not know about this before.  Thanks.

Wow, that is ominous. What does it - mean that it would s/m

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be too costly for YOU to maintain your insurance working 35 hours a week. I thought that as long as you made a certain amount of $$ in a given pay period, you qualified for insurance. If you work 35 hours a week and you make enough to quality, then I just do not understand this at all. I have asked about the hours worked versus production amount on this board before, I am trying to figure out if it matters how many hours you need to work in order to make the amount of $$ to keep your benefits. Are they saying that you won't be able to make the required amount of $$ in 35 hours a week? If you figure this out, please let us know. I understand your confusion about all of this right now, I'm right there with you.

Thanks for your note - MDI/MT

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Thanks for the vote of confidence, I really needed it today. I will let all of you know something soon. I am going to call HR on Monday and try to figure this out. This seems truly unbelievable that all of a sudden they should send me this note after it has been weeks since I filled out the initial paperwork. February 1 is not that far away, and I would think they would have already checked on all of this, especially when I indicated sometime ago that I wanted to go with Transcend full time. We will see what happens. Again, thanks so much:)

Where did you receive the note? - gatorgirl

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Did you receive the note in an e-mail?? Snail mail?? I also am wanting to go full time and have not heard any of this and was wondering how you received your information.

See answer below - MDI/MT

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I received this note through our MDI e-mail today.

It does not seem right for them to say that - MDI/Transcender

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So when you filled out the paperwork, -you checked full time and also filled out the paperwork for benefits? If so, how can they say they were "just told that?" Did you save a copy? I would just forward a copy of your original paperwork. If you filled it out correctly, the fault lies with them and they should not be able to deny you full-time employment and benefits. How do they know how much you will make? Have you not been making your committed lines now? Maybe that is what they are basing things off of, but it seems pretty odd. Good luck. I have tried to remain optimistic, but I personally think things are going to go downhill in a hurry. They have already started.

Response to question - MDI/MT

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I see some things on the horizon that are really troubling. If seems as if they either have a lot of MTs wanting to go full time and want to discourage them from doing this because they will have to provide full-time insurance. What really puzzles me is why they would say that it costs a LOT to be insured through the company and I might not be able to afford it. This is not the first job I have ever had, and I do know the cost because I filled out the paperwork and I already know approximately how much it will cost. I told them it can't be more than the $500 I am now paying for Cobra. It sounded like they wanted to discourage me. Also, from my original paperwork when I was hired, I was hired full-time by MDI. Also, I asked about how I would go about calculating how many lines I would have to type per day in order to earn $900 per pay period. I was told "figure it out for yourself." This is so professional! I did save copies of all the necessary paperwork. I truly thank each of you that responded to my note, and thank you for being so kind and so understanding. This really hit me hard today. She also sent me another reply after I replied to her initial e-mail, and did not answer my question about how they did not know I was going full time when my paperwork has been filled out for weeks...silence to that one.

I received a similar note in my MDI mail - nimvin

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I also received a similar note in my MDI mail today. They said that it was very costly for THEM to provide full time benefits, so I should be sure I could maintain my full time status. What a laugh. The deductible is $2,500, an unheard of amount for employment insurance. I was initially told that the 35 hours was just a guidline and that it was actually the $900 gross pay that would be the factor in determining full time status. This email today very clearly stated that 35 hours was expected no matter what. This is lie #2 that I was told. Things are NOT going well so far, I must say.
Wasn't the biggest cheer about employee status - MDIMT2
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was that we would finally be able to have affordable benefits? That must have been said 100 times during all those conference calls. It was said over and over again to us to assuage our feelings about this merger.

I opted for PT because I didn't need the insurance benefits (DH has), but I seriously considered FT for the PTO. I wonder if they sent the email to everyone who went FT or just those who went FT and opted for the insurance benefits.

Any FTers not taking insurance benefits get this email?
No benefits - birdwatcher
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I asked to go full-time, asked for no benefits. Yesterday I also got the email you are describing. They said it had been brought to their attention that since I was not full-time with MDI and not currently meeting the $900/35-hour week requirements (I'm not too off that requirement) that I should consider going PT until I could prove I could meet the requirement for FT. Also said if I chose to stay FT now, the 900/35 requirements MUST be met in the first pay period of I would be automatically switched to PT. They did mention how expensive it is for Transend to pay benefits for FT.
What did they expect would happen? - MDIMT2
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MDI told us for the weeks leading up to receiving the paperwork how great it would be for us to have benefits. If you're already working 30 hours a week, what's 5 more hours to get PTO, insurance, 401K, etc?

Secondly, what makes them think it's that hard to make $900 in 14 days (minimum) at the lowest MDI cpl of 9 cpl? Even if you type a minimum speed of 150 lph at 9 cpl, that's $13.50 an hour x 35 hours a week is $472.50 a week. There's at least 2 weeks in a pay period, so double that and you have $945 a pay period minimum. That's assuming you only make the minimum 9 cpl and you only type the minimum 150 lph and there is only the minimum 14 days in a pay period. GEESH!

They just don't want to pay up now that they've made us all go employee status by not offering statutory. Perhaps, it would have been to their benefit to allow us to remain statutory. Seconds thoughts?

Too bad for Transcend. I think all you guys who signed up for FT with benefits, should make an honest go of it! They're trying to intimidate you into changing to PT and saving them thousands. They obviously didn't think of the repercussions eliminating statutory would have on them. Oh well!
FT and Benefits/not just MDIers - LongTimeMT
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I posted this weeks ago along with another Transcender. We were told by our ROM that they were now going to evaluate you every 3 months and if you were under the $900 even once for ANY reason you would automatically be sent to PT and then have to work 120 days to go back on FT and if it happened again back to PT. We were never told there was a minimum number of hours just pay.
we were told it was an average. - mdi to transcender
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We were told that the figures were based on a quarterly average, not on a one-time falter. So if you go on vacation, etc, there is nothing to worry about.
Then you were told differently. I was told, and still - sm
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have the email, that it is 2 out of 3 pay periods. If the 4th goes below 900 you are no longer full time. You can use your PTO to keep it at 900 and at only $12/hour and less than 4 hours per pay period, it takes a long time to accrue. You won't be able to add too much because they only let you carry over 20 per year or else they take it away, as they did to me. Vanished. $400 that I thought was mine but they thought otherwise. Back in their already deep pockets
We do not have to use PTO if we drop below $900 - From HR directly
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With MDI-MD. Have an email from HR that clearly states you do not have to use PTO if you drop below $900.

Very clearly states that we are not in danger of being forced to PT for falling below $900 unless it is regular and unexcused and there is no communication regarding reasons.

Documentation on this, and I plan to hold them to it. If not, moving on!

Good luck with that!-NM - LongtimeMT
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Don't like to be a pessimist here but....... - me
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As I stated in my earlier post, I have already been told two lies about their policies. The first one was that my pay rate would NOT drop, NO WAY. And I had the documentation for that, BUT no matter, my pay dropped anyway.

So don't put too many eggs in your "documentation" basket with these people just yet.

(Second lie, as I said earlier, was that hours were just a guideline and that the $900 per pay was the key issue, but hours apparently ARE an issue.)
Vacation, sick, etc does count - LongtimeMT
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I specifically asked that question, if you don't have enough PTO and are on vacation or sick will that count against you and was told yes it will count against you. I have it in writing.
Yep, I asked the same exact question and also have it in writing - Do NOT have to use PTO if you fall below $900.
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You can bet I will hold them to it if I should ever need to.
Pretty crazy that we all have documentation of same question, different answers.

I heard differently about the FT/$900 per pay period - Disagree.
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I have emails that clearly state that there is no mandatory dropping from FT to PT if one goes under the $900 per pay period unless it is a regular and unexcused occurrence.

I was told same thing, we are evaluated quarterly but as long as there is good communication with TL/ROM/HR as needed related to why one might be below $900, they do not force you to PT!

It is costly and time consuming for them to switch people back and forth! This is common sense.

I wish this fear-mongering myth would stop being perpetrated on this board. Slow work is also not a reason that they will drop you. Communicate with all (CC) and document your reasons for dropping below, and save the responses/acknowledgement.
I have documentation - longtimeMT
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I keep every single email that I have with this company and stand behind everything I say. I had to ask about vacation and sick time because I couldn't believe it would be held against you. Our ROM told us that it is beyond her control and will be handled at the HR level from now on. You can choose to believe it or not-I don't care. Today I went back to college. I'm out of here...I have lost so much respect for Transcend in the last six months and I've worked here for 6 years.
This isn't about my not believing you. I too have documentation in emails. - Hold them to what they said.
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Good luck with your new path, it must be exciting and a relief to be moving on.
When I tried to hold them to what they said.... - me
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about not cutting my pay rate, I received back a VERY nasty email from my ROM (a former MDI-er, no less) telling me that I was being unfair, yadda yadda yadda. I was surprised and a little shocked by the response I got.

So holding them to their promises is not as easy as it sounds. Ultimately, I think we just need to decide what we can and can't live with and make our own choices (like longtimeMT has apparently done).

Transcend has not yet proven to me that they are a company that keeps promises, though this may or may not make them any better or worse to work for than any other company. In the final analysis, I think the kind of immediate supervisor you get makes or breaks any job. So far, mine seems like a pretty good kid, I'm holding on to find out how things will go.
Transcend talks ouf of both sides of their mouth - Anothertransecender
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so it's no surprise that different people have emails saying the complete opposite. They must be very confident that they can fabricate 2 different stories and then put it in writing. Because of their size, they are pretty much untouchable with people who are struggling to make a pathetic $900 per pay period. I'm one of them. They have you on overflow accounts to which they commonly run out of work so you find yourself working on your days off, at all hours of the day chasing that $900 carrot.
That's just it.. the fear mongering started at the top - Speechless
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It is not coming from here, it is coming from those in charge, the so-called fear mongering and intimidation. This is not your "normal" way of doing MT business, this is out of the ordinary, and extra-ordinary. Special, if you will. Special treatment for their already stressed out to the max MT's.
Not fear mongering - MDI/MT
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I was actually told that if I did not meet the requirement of $900 in the first pay period that I would be dropped immediately to PT with no questions asked.
Exactly the same note - MDI/MT
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When I first posted my note,I wondered if others were told the same thing, and I guess my intuition was right. I cannot believe they are trying to discourage MTs from taking advantage of the insurance, and of course they would want to, unless they already had insurance available. This is awful, and the threat that unless we maintained our line counts and made $900 during the first time period we would be dropped immediately. I did talk with HR and they told me that the names had already been sent out to the brokers for the insurance benefits, so why is this happening? HR told me that they were sent out to the brokers on January 1, so we should be getting them before the end of this month, I HOPE. If not, this will be a real hardship for some people.
The 2500 deductable is outrageous - MedTrans
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A deductible of $2500 is pretty high isn't it? Unless you are in the hospital or get a lot of testing done, you won't even hit that mark and you will be paying into insurance that you won't get the benefit of. I suppose it is good for catastrophic, but I would check that if I were you. Pretty worthless insurance regardless. You might do better or as well on your own.
Deductible - DMZ
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If you look at the papers issued when discussing the options, you can use the Core PPO plan with a $2500 in network deductible or the Buy Up PPO Plan with a $1000 in network deductible. If I remember correctly, during the conference call re: bennies, it was even recommended that the Buy Up Plan be considered because of the lower deductible amount. I'm sure I'm not the only one on that call who heard what is being offered.
Still don't get how they get to the $2500 number. - mtmtmtm
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Deductible amt - DMZ
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If you do your homework, insurance companies do have strange deductibles. The insurance I just lost 4 mos ago also had a $2500 deductible and a pretty lofty premium each month....it's the price you pay to protect yourself in the event of having to go to the hospital....and even then, you still go broke meeting the deductible B4 the actual coverage kicks in, it seems. Been there, done that last year. Still paying off stuff. A $1000 deductible sounds like heaven to me.
I signed up for $1000 ded and no one is trying to force me to go PT. - Not everything is ominous
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The two options are 2500 and 1000 deductibles. This is documented in a brochure that every MDI MT was sent. There is nothing to question about it, these options, that's it.

I have had a call from Transcend regarding my insurance and a flub I made on the form - just the other day. SO, they are likely running behind and getting it all done as quickly as possible.

I don't think it's some horrible thing that they ask MDI part timers (who were, um already part time, right, and who had no insurance unless it was an individual policy, as w/ MDIMDI we are SEs,no bennies) - to prove that they can maintain FT lines. It's not they are asking FT MDIers to go to PT is it?

Where I think the problem lies is communication. My guess is they figured it out after the fact. They should have told all MDI PTers from the get go that they would have X amount of time to show that they can maintain FT lines ($900 gross per pay period) and once that is shown, they would have the option to then get the benefits. But, here's the problem... doing FT lines to prove you can, would they let you accrue PTO. One would hope. Anyway, it sounds like bumbling to me, but not part of a nefarious plot to put all of the higher earning MTs out of jobs or keep us from having insurance. Just my opinion.
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More and more in this industry, I see adult women acting like the actresses in the movie, "Mean Girls." Whether they are in HIM, HR, QA, or account management, it seems to be a similar scenario. The only difference is that they are not actresses and the game does not take place in a high school.

It really is about control, and these women seem to get some kind of positive reinforcement out of making other women upset.
Yes it is VERY high - In fact..........
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that is considered a "catastrophic" policy parameter. I currently carry a self-purchased policy for which my deductible is $3,500 BUT I have an option for Health Savings Plan, in which by contributions accrue interest if not used to cover my high deductible, so that is is kind of like a retirement fund in the end. It's a good deal for self-employed people.

The Transcend insurance is $2,500 deductible, $1,000 cheaper, but NO savings plan option is available. They offer some bizarre kinda thing in which you put money at the beginning of the year to help defray medical costs, but if you don't use what you put in by the end of that calendar year, YOU ACTUALLY LOSE IT!!! And it doesn't accrue interest either. Who ever heard of such a thing?? It's like gambling with your wages, betting on whether or not you'll be sick enough to spend your money during the coming year. I found this truly amazing and really awful.

If an MT has no coverage at all to start with, the Transcend benefits would be better than nothing, I guess. But I said no thanks to their crummy insurances.

So disappointing... to say the least - MDI/Transcender

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That just really stinks. What gives them the right to think you wouldn't meet your requirements when it isn't even February 1 yet. Since we haven't had to do that before. This just stinks. Sadly they are still hiring, and I wonder if they will continue to do so making it hard or impossible for anyone to meet their requirements due to lack of work.

I seem to recall - ExMDIer

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I seem to recall a few posters (or perhaps one poster using several different monikers) who said that was the very intention of Transcend; i.e., to make it impossible to meet the requirements for FT employment and thus benefits. I also recall at least one poster who worked nights who said she would have ample work in her cue to last through her shift, only to check and discover all of the work in her cue had been taken from her and shipped off to the Indian MTs, thus making it impossible for her to make her line requirements

Transcend = MiniQ

So glad I bailed as soon as things got skeevy at MDI-MD, but I never imagined they would get THIS bad. All of my fellow MDI co-workers, and Transcend MTs, have my sincerest sympathies.

MDI/Transcend line cut - concerned employee

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I signed up for F/T with benefits, but now at the last minute am being asked to significantly reduce my production effective immediately. They are saying it is a quality problem but have never been informed of any problem with my work before now. Feel like those of us at higher line rates are getting pushed out.

don't you review your work after QA'd? - sm

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If so, it would seem you would certainly know if there was a quality problem.

reply - concerned employee

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Yes, I do review my errors which in my judgement happen to be very low and have never been told is a problem until now. So, to answer your reply, NO, I was not aware of a quality problem.
then again, - sm
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I would, if it were me, start getting busy with plan B. My brother told me that in a company merger, about 33% of the work force is usually cut, including mgmt. Maybe they are in effect doing just that, by making themselves less appealing to some. Shoot I don't know. I keep checking me job e/m to make sure I'm not next on the list.
Dont shoot the messenger but - mtmtmtm
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judgment not judgement.
mtmtmt - anon
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I thought MTStars did not allow grammar cops?

Yep. Definitely they are intimidating you by any means necessary - Rounds

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I don't even work for this company but I have been following these threads, especially about the insurance and this company seems to be full of apparent intimidation tactics.

It appears, to an outsider, that they are going to try to influence their workers who are full time to go to part time because paying out benefits is costing them too much money I have never heard of such a thing. I would get a lawyer.

Regarding your work, yes there are ways to slow you down, your work is not up to par, slow down, you are making mistakes. Is everyone's work being gone over with a fine-toothed comb or just some? It's like when it is review time, you now your supe is going over your work closely, closer than close, and you are now making dumb mistakes that you've never made before because you are trying so hard.

Suggesting that in your first week of service if you do not make the quota your insurance will be taken away is threatening in it's presentation, especially in the first few weeks. People usually get grace periods in transition times, for many different reasons but this company seems to be making it as difficult a transition as possible, which is an odd welcome mat.

What are their motives? Why would they do that?

Are they intimidating workers in other ways? Work schedules, line rates, vacation time? I would keep notes and compare notes later, names, dates, emails, letters. I would get a lawyer to protect myself. They may use this against you in your next job, saying that you make a lot of mistakes.

I am sure the outsourcing that they do saves them money, and they possibly want workers who they will not have to treat with much respect. Common sense fairness is all most people ask for (they may be just kind enough and fair enough to appease the law). In other words, they are getting away with as much as they possibly can without getting in trouble.

Their motivation is not happy workers, their motivation is solely profit. Their inspiration comes from their profit. They say that Americans wont sit up all night and work so they send their work to India. They threaten over and over. There are names for people like this. I can't say what I am really thinking, but I am sure my fellow MT's can guess.

There are all kinds of ways to be impressed by a company. There are many ways to be disappointed also. There are tons of ways to treat your employees fairly and there are lots of ways to be just plain intimidating and miserly to your workers.

A reputation still matters, even if people don't say what they are thinking, they are thinking it and reputation does matter in this world.

If offshoring is reversed, this story will change and you will see companies like this being a lot nicer to their employees.

Wonderful analysis and right on! They are control freaks. - Agree with you

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Greed rules this company with an iron hand. They respect no one and nothing.

ask for documentation... - see message

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Send an email asking for documentation of these problems, and in this email make sure to document that this is the first time you have been advised of any problems with your work.

Make sure to state that you will be compelled to discuss their communication with the labor department.

That seems rather bizarre... let's do the math. - Anonymous Transcender

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Let's say you work 35 hours a week, or 7 hours a day for 5 days.

At the company minimum production quota of 150 lines per hour, that would be 1050 lines a day.

Since the pay periods are twice a month, MOST pay periods are 11 days. (The second half of February is going to be an exception.)

1050 lines a day x 11 days = 11550 lines in a pay period, if you're averaging 150 LPH.

Now... even if you were making only 8 cents a line (and I would HOPE you are making more than that) that number of lines in the pay period would still squeak in at $924, which is above the $900 gross minimum.

If you are making at least 8 CPL, and your average production speed is at least 150 LPH, you should have no trouble maintaining full-time status, even at 35 hours a week.

Clear as mud?

have not received that e/m. Three points: - sm

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Firt, it seems that they don't want to do the paperwork on their end until they are sure one can cut the mustard. Maybe that is or is not it; just seems logical.
Second, there is open enrollment, what? twice a year. If you prove yourself able to meet the production standard, you would be able to get on their insurance later, if not now.
Third, if the first point does not seem to fit, personally, I would have to take it as a hint that maybe my position with the company was not going to be too stable, and it would behoove one in that situation to get a plan B up and going. That's what I would do anyway.

I am so sorry you all are being lied to and manipulated! - been there too

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I am afraid what is happening to you now is what happened to me already. They say they pay like 80% or your insurance, but I think it is more like 50%. They will try anything possible to make sure you lose your insurance. In the end it is blamed on you though; either you are not making the money needed to be full time or since your account has been changed to VR you are not using the shortcuts to make yourself faster. The games get to be quite a headache, but I have no place else to go at the moment. I just keeping working and try to keep my chin up, telling myself it is not really me like they want me to believe, it is more their games and ability to control what I make either by not fixing template or the various other things to slow me down. I am hoping you all can pull through this and prove them wrong!

Ashamed of Transcend - Old MT

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I started with MDI-FL many years ago when it was one of the best companies in the industry. Everyone was important to them and they had time for everyone. We had loads of work all the time.

Now we are even getting our benefits cut. Not a huge cut, but still we just had 8 hours of leave a year taken away from us to "make us like everyone else." We cannot get any answers about anything and if you call a monster supervisor/manager the only thing you get is yelled at with snide and ugly, rude comments. When you get a few extra dollars in your pocket you think you are better than anyone else.

As far as quality, maybe they should read some of the letters sent out by the team leads that are supposed to have 98% quality in order to be a team lead. But I guess differentiating between two, too, and to, or your and you're, where and wear, plain and plane are not considered quality issues.

Yes, they want to get rid of anyone who is making more than 8 cpl or 4 cpl for editing so you can all work 40 hours a week and qualify for food stamps. After all, all those people in India need to have a job so they can live like royalty.

Too bad the suits, and that includes the ROMs, think they have the right to treat everyone like dirt now. After all, they have their guaranteed pay and big bonuses and they are oh so important. And we don't even have anyone that will listen to us if we have a problem.

Amen!-nm - longtimeMT

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Going fulltime - LoneMT

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I am not sure about Transcend specifically, but this scenario is not unheard of in the MT world. The company is just trying to discourge you, the employee, from pursuing fulltime status as they inturn will have to pay you benefits...and copay on your insurance coverage, and give you PTO, etc. I went through this exact same scenario with SPi America, supervisor discouraged fulltime status, although wanted full time production, then lost paperwork to go full time, etc., etc., been there done that!

Because insurance for employees is so expensive these days, Webmdex SM - Anon

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is yet another company that also recently changed the hours required to qualify for group coverage from 35 to 40 per week. Unless meaningful insurance reform changes the up, up, up direction of health insurance rates, we'll probably be seeing a lot more of this sort of thing as rates continue to rise. Specifically, lower producing employees, (just for instance some of us who got into it so we could work at home while also raising our children, accepting lower incomes as a trade-off), will increasingly be squeezed out, or at least out of insurance benefits.

If anyone is interested - mini-mt

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If anyone is interested WebmedX is hiring full time people for some huge accounts that have just come on board.

High deductible health plan - mtmtmt

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-deductible_health_planYear Minimum deductible (single) Minimum deductible (family) Maximum out-of-pocket (single) Maximum out-of-pocket (family)
2005 $1,000 $2,000 $5,100 $10,200
2006 $1,050 $2,100 $5,250 $10,500
2007 $1,100 $2,200 $5,500 $11,000
2008 $1,100 $2,200 $5,600 $11,200
2009 $1,150 $2,300 $5,800 $11,600

2010 $1,200 $2,400 $5,950 $11,900

Transcend deductible is how much again? Is that for single?

addendum: is it is 2500 they are making employees pay the most possible or more - mtmtmt

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if 2400 is the high end of the scale, the max, for single payer health insurance then at $2500 they are over... They are definitely having their employees pay the very maximum that they can have them pay. No breaks here people and it sounds like they don't want to even pay that. Good luck. One big happy family.

"If it is.." sorry for the typo (read inside) - mtmtmtmt

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If it is 2500 they are making employes pay.. it should read. :)
Anyway, if I were taking this insurance I would check it out with my accountant.

Report them to state labor board ... AND... - senators of your state and company's state

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It's not up to your employer to decide what is too costly for you.

These tactics are outrageous.

Oh wow - mtsoccermom

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I am a radiology MT and I am going full time. I have not had any issues about it. I have already received my eye insurance cards.

To radiology MT - MDI/MT

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I also received my eye cards, but that is all I have received. I stated above that I talked to HR and they told me that the vendors for the insurance received the information around 01/01/2010, and they will have most of this sent out by the end of January, but what disturbs me is the notes they are sending out, at this late date, to discourage the MTs who want FT to reconsider their decision using the tactic that it is too expensive, and if you don't meet your line count in the first pay period you are put back on a PT status, no insurance, nothing.

Be careful! - stephi1

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As of 01/16 I logged on to work and was sent an e-mail stating my IC services were no longer needed and they wished me luck in my future endeavors! They are weeding out, and I was having difficulty maintaining my line commitment due to some unforeseen personal stuff going on in my life so I would tread carefully. This sounds like only the beginning of a mess that I am glad I no longer have to worry about. On a side note, I had another job in 3 days, I really was not worried as I am very marketable with 17 years of experience and actually look at it as a blessing in disguise! Good luck!

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